Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Ticket To Heaven

Today I would like to tell you how VERY Proud I am of my children. I am such a Blessed Mom to have 7 wonderful kiddos. Yes, they still make mistakes as we all do. Yes, I still get frustrated like all parents.  Knowing that my children are trying to live for Jesus & find HIS WILL for their lives makes me overflow with pure Joy!!!! Outside of their Salvation, finding HIS WILL is the Most Important thing to me. Today I wanted to share with you about my daughter Sarah Beth who will be 12 this Friday 4/29.  Last year when Sarah Beth arrived home from church camp she proudly told me that she knew what God wanted her to be.  She told me without a doubt that she was going to be a Missionary.  We talked alot about Missions, different places in the world, and how God places different calling's on people & how God gives people different gifts.  We talked about friends we have that are Missionaries...... the McMath's who are going to Spain, the Jacob's Family in Nepal, & several friends in Haiti. She has continued talking about this off & on since last Summer.  OK, so fast forward to Easter Sunday (2 days ago)........ 6 of my children were riding in the van with me as I was going to see a patient.  Unable to make it to church because of work we were having a BIG discussion in the vehicle during our 30 minute drive!!  We were talking about Jesus dying on the cross for us & how much he loved us.  I wanted to make sure they understood how he suffered for us.  He gave up HIS LIFE for all of us.  They were EXCITED to talk about His Resurrection, what that meant, & how that changed our Relationship with him!!!  Sarah Beth looked up scriptures & read from the Bible to share with her younger siblings as I drove.   (another Proud moment as a mom) :D  When we were finished with our discussion Sarah Beth had gotten quiet, she seemed to be in deep thought.  After a minute or two she said, "Mom, I had a really weird dream last night."   I asked her if she wanted to talk about it.  She smiled & said "it was really really weird!!"  I laughed & said "people have weird dreams all the time."  So she began to share......... We were all in an airport & had lots of luggage with us.  I think we were leaving the country.  The weird thing was there were a lot of people who didn't want me to go.  They all kept trying to give me stuff & Promise me lots of things if I would stay.  Being a Mom I asked the BIG question....."do you know who it was???"  Sarah Beth said "No, I couldn't see their faces, but I think they were friends. People who loved me.  They were trying to give me Candy, they were promising to take me on trips & buy me anything I wanted if I would stay."  So then that is when my Sweet SarahBeth said to me  "I asked them if they could give me A Ticket to Heaven."  The people said "No, we Can't."  She said "well, I'm sorry I have to go!! This is what God wants me to do!!!  She said that's when she picked up he luggage & started walking toward her plane & then she woke up.  I HAD CHILLS ALL OVER & WAS TRYING TO FIGHT BACK THE TEARS as the 11 years old said "isn't that weird mom, but it seemed so Real."  WoW!!  That is when I took the opportunity to talk about the many ways God talks to us and about following God even when others don't understand, even family & those who love you most! THANK YOU LORD FOR THOSE SPECIAL MOMENTS WITH MY CHILDREN!!!
This is a picture of SarahBeth & I from a field trip to New Orleans yesterday!! The day after our Big discussion!     Lord what do YOU want me to do? (Ac 9:6 NKJV)