Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Monday, December 8, 2014

Our countdown has begun ...

Today.....I could use a few extra prayers.

I feel completely CRAZY at times.  Torn between 2 totally different worlds!  I am so Excited to see my family & spend Christmas with them.  I am excited to have time to sit & have a cup of coffee with a friend.  Maybe even go to the grocery store & cook a meal for my family.  At the same time I can't stop crying.  I can pray with the kids in my class & before I get out 2 sentences I'm overflowing with tears.  I try my hardest to not think about just go day to day.  Today as the countdown for the big school Christmas program on Dec 16th draws near & the kids in my class all anticipate the class party on the 17th - I feel as if I can't breath sometimes - or the flood will begin.  The countdown to these things are all very Exciting but it is also my countdown to leave Haiti.  I'm not sure what to think or even say at this point.  I just feel crazy!! I truly am excited for whatever the future holds & I am thankful for our time here.  I'm just not sure what to will we adjust to life there after living here?? Most friends & even the closest ones don't understand the huge difference in the 2 places I love so much.  I have tried not talking about it ..........but that is not helping either.  Our countdown is down to 10 DAYS!!!!  We fly out of here on Dec the 18th!! Today I guess it is even harder because I sit here after school working on things knowing at 3:30 I'm suppose to walk across the street to the Barnes house (The House of Moses) where the middle school & high school students are having a party for Caroline, SarahBeth, & myself.  My students whispered today & passed notes as i pretended not to notice.....I'm not sure how to tell them goodbye. I'm not ready yet. Please say a prayer for me.  I know you are thinking YES, I am nuts - it shouldn't be that big of a deal.  Leaving here is not easy.  The friendships, the kids, the students..........  LORD HELP ME THROUGH.....I want to just laugh & enjoy them today! I still have 9 days left.
I know once back in Alabama I will be so thankful for many things, & people. Comforts form home & especially family.  From now until then if you think about it Please just say a little prayer for us.


Sunday, November 9, 2014


Hello friends!!  I haven't blogged in a month!  Last time I blogged I had so much on my mind & well.....I still do! I have decided to do what I know how to do best.  Get up everyday, pray & give it to God! WHY I ALWAYS try to figure out the BIG Picture is beyond me.  I know through so many experiences in life that GOD is in Control & me worrying about it is the last thing I need to do!! HIS plan & timing is ALWAYS BEST!! If you have not heard ...... here is an update!

We are leaving Full time Missions in Haiti on December the 18th of this year.  Through lots of prayer we have decided it is best to leave as an entire family (instead of sending our oldest daughters to start the new semester in Alabama with Family....we will all go together)  YES, Edril is going!!! We are praying God will make a way for him to go to college.  We are hoping to try to get him enrolled by next fall at Faulkner State! We know that this is in God's hands and we would appreciate your prayers for him!! We will still be doing Mission work! For now we do not have all of the answers.....we know that we will host the two teams already scheduled to come to Haiti Jan 31- Feb 7th, 2015 & Feb 14th - 21st!!  After that we do not know.....I do know I will not be able to stay away from Haiti long & I know leaving part of my heart here....I will be coming back & hopefully brining in teams....still praying for direction on all of that!!!

So here is what we have been up to & what our last 40 days here looks like......

In the classroom 7th grade at Sonlight Academy is working hard!!! These 18 kids I have grown to LOVE are really growing in so many ways!! We have worked on study habits & how everyone learns differently & I do see students getting so much better at certain subjects!! We have been busy busy with all kinds of fun stuff as well!!  We had a Fall Fun day with an awesome fall snack Mrs Lynne from Alabama brought us, a character parade & we all had a BLAST!! I had kids show up as everything from Mark Twain, Wizard Mickey, Effie Trinket, Prince Edward, Queen Elizabeth, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Queen Ester, Fix it Felix & so much more!!!  We made Tie Dye T-shirts & the students did an Awesome job on them!!! We have also had a spelling bee & painted wooden Christmas Ornaments thanks to Mr. Tommy & Mrs. Jackie Steadham!! Gordon & I spent several hours in my classroom this weekend starting to decorate for Christmas & I promise to post pictures of it soon!!! The twins turned 5 on October 31st....HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE???  For are some pictures of all the fun!!

                                                      Our spelling Bee Winner....Audra!
 Gordon also had a Birthday so we had a family night of food & games!! We love Disney Headbandz!
                                               CHARACTER DAY IN 7TH GRADE!!!!
                                                 Queen Elizabeth, Athena, & Barbie!
                                                                  Prince Edward!

                         OUR BABIES ARE 5.....& they had a Blast in Preschool on their Birthday!!

We are going to continue to be busy for the next several weeks so we would appreciate your prayers!!  We have begun practicing for the Sonlight Academy Christmas Program & it will be on December the 16th this year, the Class parties will be on the 17th & school will end for the semester.  Our family will leave Haiti the next day. Gordon will be looking for a job as soon as we return & I will be doing my Disney Travel planning job from home since the twins are not in school yet.  I loved working for MickeyTravels before I left & have already started doing that again.  I am not sure if I will be returning to nursing .....with all the kids I'm praying I don't have to go back to working weekends, Holidays, & shift work!! Please help us pray that we find Exactly what God has for us back in Alabama and that the right job for Gordon comes quickly ......transitioning with a large family in December may not be the easiest thing to do but I know with God's help...we will make it!! 

Hope Vision has been busy busy busy as well.....There has been 3 teams here over the last 3 weeks. A team from Ron & Karen's home church in Tennessee, a team from AIM/Alabama, & a team from South Carolina.  The last team for a few weeks left yesterday.  Mme Pastor & Mrs. Karen have taken Tevens to Port-au-Prince for a medical appointment about his hearing.  Please pray for them on this trip & for healing for sweet little Tevens.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Continuing to Walk by Faith...

Hello everyone! I have been thinking and thinking about this update and have been having a hard time finding the words.  After praying I have decided to really start back at the beginning of this journey….

This is a family update but since I (Angie ) am writing this I want to tell MY Personal story as well as our family story….
Many of you I have known for years, maybe even since childhood. Some of you I have never met in person but have become friends with through social media or missions so I will begin where I believe MY Journey began.   When I was a teenager I was invited to church by a friend.  This tiny little church in Harmony Grove, Arkansas was Warner Spur Assembly of God.  There I met a young pastor & his wife that were on FIRE for God.  Brother Rusty Blann & his wife Dorinda would begin a mentorship in my life that continues to this day…. They were and are THE REAL DEAL! They walked out their Faith that was preached from the pulpit and taught in Youth…..not to mention they LOVED with a Love that was different. I wanted what I saw in them…..that Love, Peace, & Joy!  I gave my heart & life to Jesus then & my life was changed forever.  Thankfully I got to spend almost the next two years with them in my life almost on a daily basis.  Like so many, after I moved off to college I struggled with living for Jesus like I knew I should.  I was away from my home church, my mentors in life, my family & made many wrong choices in life.  I found myself 26 years old and divorced.  To me it was as if my life was over.  I was still young and I will admit immature.  I moved to Alabama where my family lived and slowly began to try to keep going.  Along the way, I met a true southern gentleman.  I didn’t think that men actually still opened doors for you, took their hat off at the table, took time to stop wherever they were and speak to elderly people they grew up respecting.  I was blown away that he NEVER raised his voice, he worked hard, truly LOVED his family, and grew up in a Christian home.  We married in December 2000 & it seemed life was awesome.  We had 2 daughters, built a new home, drove nice new cars, and had great jobs.  Weird how we had all of those things & I still found myself back in a place that was not pretty!!! I was so unhappy and when I truly thought about it I didn’t know why.  I blamed EVERYONE…..yes even my husband.  We found ourselves all but divorced because of it & this is when GOD changed everything!!! Through a series of events I began to realize the emptiness I felt…..the huge void in my life was that we were not serving God like we both knew we should.  We called our amazing pastor Mike Lynn of Robertsdale First Assembly & he met with us.  That day we committed to give our lives to Christ.  We got down on our knees in our Pastors office & prayed that God would save our marriage and family.  We promised that we would serve Him with 100%.  I will be truly honest……we had absolutely NO IDEA what was coming!  As we began to serve God & serve in our church for the next year or two God made our marriage stronger than I could have ever imagined.  He then began to lay adoption on our Hearts.  Most thought we were nuts but WE KNEW exactly what God was telling us to do.  A lot of this story is in my blog history so I will leave out some details but God led us to Haiti to adopt.  God then gave us a miracle & our adoption of a sibling group of three from Haiti only lasted 3 months!!!! We flew to Haiti & spent a little over 2 weeks. While in Haiti God gave us a Love & Passion for Haiti and the Haitian people like we never knew could exist.  We spent the next 3 years leading in missions teams to Haiti and loving every minute of it!! We prayed & prayed as we felt God calling us to Haiti to serve full time.  In May of 2013 we committed to serve as Full Time Missionaries with AIM (Assisting International Missions) our main focus would be at Hope Vision Ministry in Haiti, the children's home our kids had come from.   We quit our full time jobs, sold almost all of our possessions and headed out on this God sized adventure!  I can’t tell you the number of times I was asked “How long will you be in Haiti?” Our answer was & is always, “until God gives us new direction and tells us to do something else!”  Personally when we all (YES….ALL 9 OF US) boarded that first plane I truly thought we would be in Haiti at least 5 years, if not longer.  Obviously, that was Angie’s plan and not God’s!! First let me say that we have LOVED our time in Haiti.  I know some of you find that hard to believe and yet others might understand……but I didn’t say it has always easy.  I said we truly love it!!  In the past almost two years God has taught us so much about LOVE, about ourselves, and about serving others.  I personally have an understanding of things I have prayed about for years.  God has peeled so many layers from my eyes and I clearly see the world different than I did less than 2 years ago.  Our family has grown by one and we are truly THANKFUL that God blessed our family with Edril, he is an Orphan no more!!! Our family has grown closer to each other than ever before.  Our time spent with the kids at the children's home, our fellow missionaries, our neighbors and friends here in Haiti has been something I would not trade for ANYTHING in this world!! Our two oldest daughters have grown up so much and matured into Beautiful young Christian ladies.  Just this week my SarahBeth heard someone say that they strive for Righteousness and she later told me that that was not true for Christians…..she said that if you are a christian and God lives in you then you are righteous.  God makes you righteous.  You don’t have to try to be “good enough”, He loves you just the way you are!! - As a mom who struggled with not feeling “good enough” every time I made a mistake in life whether it was Big or small….it BLEW me away!! I cried my eyes out!! What a LIFE lesson she has learned at 15 years old!!! She went on to tell me so much more she has been learning in Mr. Brad Hammonds bible class at Sonlight Ministries. WOW! I am so thankful God gave my kids an opportunity to be here & learn so much in a third world culture and still get ALL OF THAT!!!  With all of that I will say that for the last few weeks Gordon and I have felt God begin to call us in a different direction.  Honestly, at first as we began to actually speak about it, I would walk down the road & the smallest thing would cause me to just start crying.  I tried so hard to hold it in.  I realized that God has been opening doors & pointing things in this direction for a few months now.  We just didn’t realize the “God things” at times…..until now.  At times God lets you get to the end of “self” so you FINALLY stop & listen.  Over the past few weeks I had been sick and had LOTS of time to think and pray…….to REALLY seek GOD!  To BE STILL and listen.  Gordon has as well.  It really surprised me at first.  This year I am teaching during the day at Sonlight and LOVING it!!  The kids are doing Great in school, our creole is getting much better and we are in a routine.  My mom bought her ticket to Haiti and is coming to visit in January!  We have five mission teams scheduled at HVM from next week until the end of the year and two in February so when we started to feel that “tug” I was really surprised, honestly we both were!!  Once again we had to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY….and NO we do not have all the answers you might think we do!   Here is what we do know…….   God is leading us back to Alabama.  We have decided after much discussion and prayer that we will exit after all the scheduled missions teams for the spring are completed.  This will be at the beginning of March.  I will finish substitute teaching in mid December and this will give us time to adjust to the idea of leaving.  I have accepted that God has another plan but my heart still hurts at the thought of not being here & missing so much that I have grown to love.  Both Gordon and I still have HUGE hearts for missions and will definitely still be involved somehow, maybe even still with AIM but nothing is mapped out at this time. I would LOVE LOVE if you guys would help us pray for a few things……
Pray for all of us as we go through this HUGE transition 
Pray for God’s will, wisdom and discernment especially for Gordon and myself as we seek exactly what God has for us upon our return in March.
Pray we have the support/finances until we exit Haiti and upon re-entry into life in America         

We are so thankful that God sent our family to Haiti!!! We are thankful that although we didn’t have all the answers, HE gave us the Faith to step out and Obey! We are so thankful for all the people we have met along the way.  Those that have supported us financially, lifted us up in prayer and walked this amazing journey with us.  As I type this my heart breaks into many pieces but it is also filled with HOPE. I know who holds tomorrow and I know WHO leads Our Family.  We may not have ALL of the answers but HE knows and that is enough for us today.  I admit I am also a little nervous excited…..God’s plans ALWAYS far exceed anything I can or have dreamed up EVER!!  Adopt 3 kids when you already have four. WHAT?? Sell all your things and move to Haiti!!! WHAT??? Adopt another son! What What??? After doing all those things….come back to the states after only 20months in Haiti. HUH? - All we can say is - YES LORD! 


Sunday, September 21, 2014


I am super excited to share with everyone an update on John Murray.  If you read my blog or met with us this past summer then you know who he is!  We have grown to LOVE this kid so much over the past year or so.  Let me back track just a bit....

We first met John Murray last year outside our house.  I now know that this was one of those "God meetings".  After meeting with him, getting to know him a bit & praying for him, God provided a sponsor for John Murray to be able to go to school last year. (see old blog post for that awesome story) We registered him for school & he worked very hard last year.  He finished the year in the top % of his class.  We began to get closer to him & realized although he lived with a cousin he didn't eat often.  We made him promise to come eat with us everyday after school & we got to spend more time with him.  Anyone who came on a Missions trip last year got to meet him. He LOVED getting to meet everyone.  I was so excited when his school sponsor from last year said that their family had been praying & wanted to sponsor him for school again this year. YAY!!!!  What will surprise most is that John Murray is a teenage boy who works so hard & always does his best.  He always has his bible & is digging in the word & asking questions.  This year with John Murray I have gotten even more personal.  He has opened up to me & I asked him if I could share more of his story.  He smiled & told me I could....  When you meet this sweet kid you would never know that he never knew his dad.  He left when he was little.  Unfortunately here in Haiti culturally things are difficult on most kids whose mom re-marry.  John Murray was only 5 years old when this happened & he was put out of the house.  YES, you read that right. :(  When a mom gets re-married other children are often put out or become the help to keep from becoming street children.  I knew that John Murrays biological mom had lots of other kids & could not take care of him but I didn't know all of the other until this year.....BROKE THIS MOMMAS HEART!!!!  You know what though.....GOD KNEW!! God led him here & here is the rest of the story!!!! <3 Although he lived with a cousin near our house I hadn't been there until today. I have pictures to follow....  But here is the GOOD STUFF!!!

When we returned this year with a letter from John Murray's school sponsor I was shocked when he asked if he could go to a different school.  I was like WHAT?? You want to go to a "Harder" school??  I had to do a little more research to see about the school he wanted to go to so of course I went to our friends at The House of Moses.  They have lots of older kids that go to local Haitian schools & I knew Chrisit Barnes would know all about it.  With Edrils help Gordon went with John Murray & retrieved his school records & testing scores & went to an appointment at the new school.  The School CNDL is known here as the best Haitian school.  We prayed & everyone was so excited that he was accepted.  He knew right off that this meant he wouldn't have the extra few dollars he had had last year, the new extras for school to start because of the cost difference but he didn't care.  He wanted the BEST education he could get.  (I LOVE this about him) Thankfully we had an extra backpack from the Loxley United Methodist church.  We packed it with school supplies that were given to us from Searcy First Assembley of God in Searcy Arkansas. We added soap, deodorant, a new toothbrush & some extra snacks that so many of you helped us gather. He was were we.  He showed up his first day of school for a picture as promised. **if only it would upload now --but here are others...
                                                               School Registration!

Now you would think that THIS is the most exciting news....well, it is NOT!! For the past few weeks John & Christi Barnes have been talking with John Murray & praying!! You see the House of Moses is a leadership/discipleship home & they have an opening for 1 individual!!!! They have talked with us about the fact that we all believe John Murray displays the characteristics they are looking for.  This decision is not an easy one.  Yes you move in to their home & become part of the family but you sign a contract.  You agree to try your best to follow Jesus, to work in your community, to help others, to do your very best in school, to abstain from sex before marriage, to attend church together as a family as well as daily devotions/men & woman's bible study!  They are truly pouring all they have into these children who are going to make a difference in this world!!! THEY ACTUALLY ALREADY ARE....JUST SEE SOME OF OUR DAILY POSTS.  They serve at Hope Vision Childrens home, another local orphanage, they do prision ministry, street ministry & weekly bible study on Thursday nights at the House of Moses with many people from our community including us.  All of this while doing their chores & keeping up their grades!!! All of this to say.....JOHN MURRAY has been accepted.  He & I have had several good talks lately but when he came over to make sure I knew how much he loved us & wanted us to still be a part of his life I cried my eyes out!!!! I made him promise to let me go with him when he moved in & TODAY was moving day!!! I went with him & took pictures of where he lived in his cousins house & we walked to his new home....YES, I cried again!!! GOD HAS HUGE PLANS FOR THIS KID!!!!!!! Here are pictures of the old home where he slept by himself on the floor & his new house & family!!! <3 <3

His old house

bathroom & shower bucket

his bed

heading to his new home with all of is belongings!!





HIS NEW AWESOME ROOM MATES/BROTHERS!!! JOCELYN (T-Jo) & JAMES (T-James) *James is also in the same class as school!!! 

I LOVE LOVE THIS!!! John & Christi with John Murray....LOOK at HIS SMILE!!! 

He made it right in time for Dinner & Devotions!!! This Blesses me so much because I KNOW he will not go hungry again!!!!

I am going to bed tonight with a Heart overflowing!! Over & over tonight I kept hearing in my spirit / feeling Jeremiah 29:11..... For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the LORD,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

John Murray will need sponsors at The House of Moses! They have prayed & know God will provide. If you are interested in being a sponsor for this awesome young man please check out the following link & email information!! To find out more about The House of Moses also - Please check out their website -
You can also find them on Facebook at

So Thankful God is allowing us to be a part of this young mans life!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Basking in HIS Presence

This week here in Haiti has been full of Blessings & Joy!! It truly has been a GREAT week!! I will get right to the point & say it hasn't really been an eventful week but I feel blessed & joyful.  As I type this & try to find the right words to use.....I realize that I have just been "Basking in His presence!!"

I am truly enjoying teaching 7th grade!! We have set our routine for the year & we start every day with a few songs.  I LOVE LOVE that these 7th graders love Praise & Worship as I do!! I let them take turns picking the songs.  These kids have such beautiful voices & it is a great way to start the day!! I then read them a daily devotion & at times go deeper when needed.  We also Pray together as a class every morning.  The first day of school I asked for prayer request & NO ONE raised their hand.  By day three I had a few request.....I am so thankful that as the end of this week approached the kids have really opened up & have prayer requests daily.  They ask for prayers for their family, unsaved loved ones, people they know who are sick & friends who need Jesus!! I also put a private prayer box in the back of the room for those who have something personal they might need me to pray about & I promised them I would keep it secret between me & the student only!! I have had 2 "Special" prayer requests & I ask that you help me to lift these up!!! You don't have to know ...... God does! I am excited that they are eager to learn & are opening up to me.  It truly makes my heart overflow with Joy!!! We had lots of work to do this week, quizzes, Homework, & Tests!!!! We have jumped right in!! We also celebrated Birthdays this week!! My sweet SarahBeth made cupcakes for my class & we had a special snack.  This week alone I had 2 kids with a Birthday & realized one student had his birthday the day school started!! YIKES......How did I miss that?? :D - So we celebrated ALL Birthdays from August & September....this brought lots of smiles and fun! I am glad they felt special on their "special" day!! After all - God made us all special.  He formed us all in our mothers wombs & set a special plan for each of us!! He knows the number of hairs on our head & loves us So.  I truly hope these kids realized how much God loves them & that they ARE special!!

Sunday we started off the week with a Great Church service & Sunday school class.  Most people that know me well know that I have a passion for youth & all that they go through as they try to serve Jesus.  All the pressure from their peers & the outside world!! This year I am super excited to be teaching High School Sunday School at Sonlight church.  We had a GREAT first class and I am looking forward to this year with those kids!! Erich & Hannah Hebner arrived this week in Haiti!! I have known them for years.....they grew up in our home church! Neither of them have been to Haiti & really had no idea what to expect.  I have laughed several times since they arrived just 5 days ago.  Why laugh??? Well, because I hear the same thing from EVERYONE who visits Haiti!! Most of the time we hear phrases something like these......."WOW, Haiti is Nothing like I thought it would be! The people are so nice.  I love the simple way of life here.  Haiti is so Beautiful. Haiti is not scary like others say it is.....why do people say that?"  - I truly just smile & say...."I have NO idea?"  Most everyone who says things like that are not going off of personal experience at all.  Most have never been to Haiti, especially Port-de-Paix & just have a fear of the unknown ....I truly do understand that.  Don't get me wrong.  Haiti is very poor & this alone is super hard to deal with & so sad, but it is not a scary place.  At least where we live is not & for that I am thankful.  I am even more thankful though that I walk in Freedom......FREEDOM IN JESUS that is! <3 I am so thankful that I do not have that spirit of fear!

We visited the kiddos at Hope Vision the day after Erich & Hannah arrived.  They really enjoyed it!! Mr. Ron gave Erich a tour & showed him lots of things as Hannah & I played with the kids!! IT was GREAT!!  We all enjoyed Thursday night Community Bible Study at The House of Moses too!! We have received several sweet encouraging emails this week!! THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO SEND US A MESSAGE!! We love it!!! Thank you to those that are praying for our special prayer request that went out via email earlier in the week.. We feel the prayers & know God is going to do GREAT things!!!!
Hope you all had a fantastic week as well!!! Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!!
Much Love from the Lipscomb crew!!!

                           No Captions needed.......Life ABUNDANT comes to mind though!!! 

AUGUST & SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS!! Fedline, Rhode, Reginald, Dimitri, Baldine, Trecy!!

 Community Bible Study at The House of Moses!! Come as you are....Worshipping Jesus together in Kreyol & English in their courtyard.....I truly Love it and Love our Community! Can't wait until next Thursday!!

*If you would like to join our email update list please let us know!! Message us on Facebook or send us an email -

Saturday, August 30, 2014

We are HERE!!! Our 2nd year has begun :)

We Made It!!!! We are Excited to share with everyone again via BLOG!!! I haven't been able to log in to my blog since my computer was stolen last February!! I have FINALLY figured it out & I AM IN! :D Sooooooo, here is our latest update!!!

   We arrived safely back in Port-de-Paix, Haiti on August 18th at 9am.  We hit the ground running..... so much to be done!  I headed straight to Sonlight Academy for Teacher Orientation. I am so Excited to be teaching 7th grade this year.  Gordon & the kids began unpacking & cleaning after our house had been shut up for the entire summer!! The last 2 weeks have flown by! They were spent preparing my classroom for the upcoming year...lots of lesson plans & decorating.  Visiting the kids at Hope Vision & getting some SWEET Hugs & Kisses from those little ones! More cleaning & unpacking.....and YAY, the boat arrived!!! PRAISE JESUS everything arrived safely.  Pastor Jim Batchelor & Brother Irvan Mosley from Loxley UMC did a FANTASTIC job building the crates for us & helping Gordon pack them.  All we lost was 1 bottle of cleaner!!!! So thankful for that & as we unpacked the crates & tried to organize things we once again realized HOW BLESSED we are to have so many people that loved on us & blessed us this summer!!! We can't say thanks enough to everyone that donated items this summer for us to ship back to Haiti & to our church Robertsdale First AG & Loxley UMC for collecting & organizing all of our supplies!!!

We truly are so very happy to be HOME in Haiti where we know God has placed us! We have enjoyed getting to see our friends & neighbors again. I had to suck back tears as we landed in Port-de-Paix.....I looked out the window & there was John Barnes with several of the young men from the House of Moses waiting to pick us up & sweet sweet John Mury all with HUGE SMILES waiting to greet us!! Ahhhhhhhh.......the feeling I get EVERY TIME I get off the plan at that little airport! <3 <3

I hope to update you all more often this year!!! Please Pray for really is a goal of mine to update you all weekly!! I promise to try my best....(Lord willing & with good internet...HAHA) =)

Thank you also to everyone who has pledged to support us monthly & those who gave this summer.  Without you all we could not do the work God has called us to do here in Haiti, know that we are praying for you & thanking our Heavenly Father for you!! Remember all support goes to AIM - here is the information & there is also a paypal link here on the blog if you would like to give online!

AIM (Assisting International Missions)
PO Box 2030
Robertsdale, AL 36567
*Please always mark Lipscomb Family in the memo

Here are a few pictures from our first 2 weeks in Haiti!!! We now have the first half week of school behind us & we are ready for our 2nd year here! BRING IT ON!!! We still have room for teams in March & April if you are interested & maybe a week in November or December.
 Email us - for more information.

Prayer Request:
1. Pray for the school year & all the kids at Sonlight as well as Hope Vision school. Pray that the children will not only learn & do there very best but that they will grow in their knowledge of Jesus & their personal relationship with him.
2. Pray that our monthly support comes in as pledged & our needs are met here on the mission we continue to put complete FAITH in God's plan for us!
3. Pray for good health as some of us have already battled a nasty GI virus but thankfully are feeling better!!
4. Pray for personal relationships here to grow as God uses us in our community in various outreaches! (relationships with neighbors, co-workers, & specifically as I teach High School sunday school starting tomorrow and 8th grade bible study after school on Tuesdays)
5. Important meeting with our landlord in Haiti this week! Time to pay our annual rent (last year was $7000) this year....he wants to increase that!!! We do not have funds for this at this time....please help us pray for Gods will & for FAVOR!!

 Sweet John Mury at the Airport!! I'm pretty sure my kids were as excited to see him!!

(above)All the teachers from Sonlight Academy this year before our prayer walk around the school last week!  (below) Sweet LOVE from the littles from Hope Vision


The Gang's First Day of School!!!
Me/Angie/Mom/ Madame Gordon - Teacher for 7th Grade
SarahBeth - Sophmore year ----> WHAT ?????
Caroline - 7th grade - yes, she is in my class!!! Pray for us both! :D
Meredith - 4th grade
Levi- 2nd grade
Gabriel & Gabriella - Preschool

Much Love from Haiti!!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Good Morning from Beautiful Port-de-Paix Haiti!! Sometimes I really can't believe that we actually LIVE here.  The "honeymoon" phase is over & reality is definitely here!! By reality I mean we eat rice & beans several times a week, our electricity (that we are fortunate to have) is still being tapped into on a daily basis & stolen so our electricity bill is over $700 dollars each month. The mosquitos NEVER let up, & winter in Haiti means the high is more like 80-90 with a light breeze with lows in the mid 70's.  Reality also means you walk everywhere you go or hop on a "taxi" (moto) if you need to go downtown. Wal-Mart is not just down the street & if you want a jar of peanut butter you might just have to spend $12-$17 U.S dollars to purchase some! When you walk down the street between our house & Hope Vision there are children with no shoes, tattered clothing & most are half dressed if that! Their bright eyes look up at you & shine with their big smiles as they run to grab your hand Yelling "Blanc" "Blanc" meaning foreigner or "white person"- it pains me at times because lots of them look to you like you are something special.  Like you can "save" the world & help them all.  The truth is .....we can't BUT I WISH WE COULD!!! I wish we could help with giving them bagged up Rice & Beans, or helping them go to school, but I know that I can only do what I can do......SO HARD TO ACCEPT SOME DAYS!!! I can ALWAYS be kind & gentle & loving....maybe some how THAT will make a difference.  I have taken a soccer ball or two here or there & given it to the boys always playing soccer with a piece of plastic or a small make shift ball.  I also know that you can not always just give, give, give.  That in itself actually HURTS in many cases.  Knowing when & how to help is a hard thing here on a daily basis.  I have come to realize NOW more than EVER I MUST rely on my relationship with God & the discerning of the Spirit.  I MUST KNOW WHEN He is nudging me to help, to take the extra step, to give the last of what we have.  Also I MUST know when he is telling us to tell the man in the wheel chair that we do not have work for him.  PLEASE DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME ......Life here is So full of is Joy overflowing!! Knowing you are RIGHT where GOD made you to be is the BEST feeling in the world!!
Being able to get up & go play with the babies at Hope Vision & have coffee or just chat with another Missionary friend is a great way to start your day!! Being able to visit the children of Hope Vision at school & they yell out your name when they see you is an AWESOME feeling!! Seeing their BIG smiles & watching them trying hard at school is wonderful.  Getting to spend other days at Sonlight Academy (the school our kids attend) is also a HUGE BLESSING!! Last week I got to help the 8th grade with the Olympics & it was such a FUN day!!! I took a few minutes to pop in our kids classrooms to check on them & grab a quick hug....I LOVE THAT!!!  I also was blessed to spend last Saturday morning with Mammy (Mrs Norma Alexander) learning how to bake bread, make lots of goodies, & came home with lots of recipes.  Mammy is a "seasoned" missionary to Haiti who has been here for over 30 years!!!! SHE KNOWS HOW TO SURVIVE & how to cook here!! This was such a treat for me & Mrs. Irland who helps cook at our house! I was also blessed to be able to help out the House of Moses by teaching English club one Saturday morning.  This really is the Life I never dreamed I would is weird how it is the HARDEST thing I have ever done but totally the most rewarding!!!
Thank you all so very much for the Prayers & support!!! I am EXCITED to announce that our tickets to the U.S from Port-au-prince have been purchased!!! THANK YOU to Mrs. Drucie Brown who already does so much in Haiti but Blessed us with this help!!!! We are so happy that all we have left is the travel costs for our family from Port-de-Paix to Port-au_prince!! Thank you to ALL that support our family here!! Your support is HOW we are able to live here & help others!! This is how we are able to purchase food to share with others including Hope Vision when they don't have enough food to feed all of the children!!!
For those that have asked you can now give through the secure site on our blog by paypal or by credit/debit card!! You can also mail your support to AIM - PO Box 2030 - Robertsdale, AL 36567.  I do however feel that I need to let you know that we receive a transfer once a month form AIM & it is on the first Thursday of the month.  If they do not receive support in time to be processed & sent on this day it will have to wait until the following month.  Thank you for ALL that you do give!!

IF you are interested in coming on a Mission trip PLEASE email us for more information - - The cost varies some but for a Ballpark amount - you usually purchase your roundtrip ticket to Port-au-Prince Haiti from your airport of choice ($450-$650) usually from all I have priced out & then your cost in Haiti are around $650 dollars.  This includes transfers to & from the airport in Haiti, travel to the northern tip of the island where we are by bus & or plane, all food & lodging plus some extras!!

***For anyone interested in coming to Haiti soon we have a team coming April 26th-May 3rd of this year & they have several spots available on their team!!! The team is from South Alabama but you DO NOT have to be!! You can meet the rest of the team in Miami, FL as you fly in to Haiti!! Please email me if you are interested at  - The team leaders name is Natalie Gaines & she has been to Haiti before - here is her contact information - Natalie Gaines  email: & phone # is 251-402-5711  - If you are interested in coming any time this fall/early winter -(September- December 2014) we are starting to book those trips too!! Please let us know if you are interested!

We have some prayer request we would like to ask you to pray with us about -

1. Mr Ron Cockerham (Missionary at Hope Vision) is having a Skin Cancer removed from his back this morning in Haiti.  He & Mrs Karen will be traveling to Port-au-Prince tomorrow & on to the U.S for the rest of Feb & March! Pray that the CA is removed with NO problems, it is encapsulated, & they get it all then he will be free & clear from Cancer!!! Pray for their travels & for them to get some rest in the states!!!
2. Pray for AIM.  As I type this Mike Sullivan, Rodney Phillips, Both co-founders of AIM are in India seeking how God may want them to help there! With them is Bert Jones a board member of AIM & a personal friend of ours.  Also another missionary Jacob Baker who are all together in India! Pray for God's will for all of them, guidance, wisdom & discernment!! Pray for their travels also!!
3. Pray for Edril's visitor's visa! Pray for FAVOR with those who are making the decisions in Haiti.  WE will be applying for his visa in the next few weeks!!!
4. Pray for Lovlie Geffard from the House of Moses who has had severe ear pains for years now, with migraines. She had an MRI yesterday & everyone is awaiting the results!! Pray for her & her mom Christi Barnes as they travel to try to seek medical help for Lovlie & for DEVINE HEALING!!!!
5.Pray for the teams coming in the next few weeks & that GOD will show us exaclty WHAT he wants us to do & WHO he wants us to help & bless while they are here!!!
6. Pray for our family & our monthly support to be consistent & to increase so that we may do more for the Kingdom!! Pray for God's will in ALL that we do & that others will see Jesus in our family on a daily basis!! Pray we grasp creole better & continue to learn!
7.  Please continue to Pray for Pastor Andy & all the children at Hope Vision!! For the funds to come in to complete the building project of the new home of Hope Vision!!

I wanted to add a few pictures from the past few weeks.....I LOVE PICTURES!  I feel like pictures tell a story all by themselves!!

The School for Hope Vision

Olympic Games - 8th Grade Sonlight Academy

I loved this art work by the 7th grade room....I had to share!!!