Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

25 Days until the big move - Prayer Request & Needs

Hello friends & family - 

   We want to say thank you so very much for praying for our family.  Many great things are happening.  We have enjoyed traveling & sharing at many churches & have been blessed by so many. God is doing GREAT things.  We have made some great friends on this journey already & we were even able to go to dinner with one of our upcoming neighbors just last week. (another missionary friend from Texas who is moving their home "The House of Moses" of 17 to Port-de-Paix)   Our container was packed & transported to Haiti last week & should arrive in Haiti the week we do or the week before.  The $3500 deposit was made on our house in Haiti last week. Our tickets to Haiti were also purchased this week.  We are getting very excited ....we are down to just 25 days before our family leaves for the mission field.  We have been asked by many to let them know about our specific needs.  Several individuals & churches have asked if there was a list of things so maybe they could take on / help with a specific need.  Here is a list of specific needs for our family.

1.) The remaining amount we owe for our House in Haiti that must be paid in full for a year when we move in on August 6th - $3500
2.) School for our 4 oldest children in Haiti for this year at Sonlight Academy is $1000 per child. Total needed $4000 - School begins August 26th
3.) Travel & lodging in Haiti to overnight in Port-au-Prince & flights on Tortug Air to Port-de-Paix - Total for our family - $1500

*Specific Prayer needs - 
1.) Pray our 4 youngest childrens passports arrive soon (applied for several weeks ago)
2.) Pray that our container will reach Haiti with no problems & that it will come through customs without a snag!! Also please be in prayer for FAVOR with the customs agents.  We have been told that after paying $5000 just for shipping that we may only have to "tip" the guys at the docs BUT we could also be charged a "few thousand" if they want to charge us!!! 
3.) Please also pray that we will raise the monthly support needed.  
4.) Prayers are needed as we continue to travel & share our hearts for Haiti. 
5.) Please pray for our children as they miss their home church a lot already!! <3
6.) Pray for a smooth transition as we move & adjust to life in Haiti!!
7.) Pray for the children, staff, & other Missionaries at the Hope Vision Orphanage

Blessing & Much Love -
The Lipscomb Family 

If you would like to Donate to our family a one time amount or monthly please go to & click the donate tab - make sure you add a "note" to say Lipscomb family. You can also mail a check payable to AIM (Assisting International Missions) with Lipscomb Family in the memo to  PO BOX 2030 Robertsdale, Alabama 36567.  You can also mail donations to our Home church Robertsdale First Assembly of God - PO Box 1122   Robertsdale, AL 36576  *please put Lipscomb family in the memo for this also. 

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to those who have already given, who have sent encouraging words on facebook, by email or by calling us!

I have been touched by the outpouring of LOVE just the past few days!! Your encouraging words & prayers have been so very uplifting. Thank you to those that  understand that God's call in life is not always the easy decision or easy way of life so you lift us up in means so much!!