Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Comes to an End...

I really can not believe that today is the VERY LAST day of 2013.  This year has flown by.  In all honesty every year seems to fly by to me now but I guess that just comes with getting a little older. :D In the year 2013 our Tyler turned 18 & graduated High School.  I turned the BIG 40, SarahBeth started High School, Caroline played lots of Softball & right before our eyes the little girl we knew just a few days ago has seemed to disappear & a beautiful young lady appeared! I have always called the 4 youngest "Mommas babies" but now....I really don't have babies. They are 8,6,4 & 4! Praise the Lord we have moved from the diaper stage in 2013 & this alone is a BIG step!! haha - I feel like I have been changing diapers for 18 years!!! Our 8 year old Meredith gave her heart to Jesus & was Baptized last week!! That my friends is EXCITING STUFF!!!!! 

The year 2013 brought HUGE changes for our family. Moving to Haiti has been the BEST & Hardest thing to ever do!! We do LOVE it here.  We love Haiti & the Haitian people but living here is Not easy. I was told yesterday that I always post things on my FB wall that make it look like we are on an island vacation. I wasn't real sure what to say....I will be hurt my heart & I cried.  I know I post the Beauty of Haiti often. You see...I LOVE this country & I want others to see its beauty too.  I am also VERY GUILTY of posting pictures for my family to see.  Some people know....most don't....that my family was NOT real happy about our move.  My parents have Always supported me in Everything I have done. My mom & dad lived just up the street. My brother, sister, their spouses & my nieces & nephew all lived within 10 minutes of our home in Alabama. We are all very close. None of them have ever been here & only see the BAD STUFF the news reports....I am guilty of posting pictures of the things my kids do like *get to spend a day swimming because my mother in law sent them $10 each in a card & When we went on a Hike with friends one day to a beautiful waterfall etc... I leave out things like the friends paid for the taptap, we could not have afforded the swim day without the cards from my sweet MIL.  I post pictures of my children's school & friends because I am so happy they have a group of other missionary kids who "get it" who moved from suburbia in America just as they did & now live here.  These kids bless my heart EVERY time I am around them & I thank GOD that we were planted right in the middle of them & at this exact time....this has made the transition so much easier for our children.  YES, we do things with other missionaries that work for other missions but don't most people have friends outside their "jobs"?? Honestly I am not real sure how I would feel today if we did not have these friends down the street who call us over for prayer night because they KNOW we are struggling with some things. They call us over for special meals because they have been here for years & know what it is like to miss those things & that special time together.  I truly feel GOD himself Blessed us with these friends.   
 To be Completely Honest I have laid awake many nights for hours praying God would help some of the harder things here.....sadly the hard things are sometimes other people. Different personalities, different ideas, lack of communication cause most stress.  I DO NOT have the answers, I am not even sure what to do at times BUT I do serve a Great Big awesome GOD who I know sent us here, he LOVES us, & when the time is right he will light the path or change hearts.  I am not at all placing blame on anyone or saying I have done it all right because I HAVE NOT. I am made of flesh & fail often. I do pray & ask God to check my heart & make it right & I do know that doing WHATEVER God wants me to do & to please him is my Goal therefore I can be in Peace.  
I do apologize if it seems like We are on an island vacation....WE ARE MOST DEFINITELY NOT!!!  I have spent most of my life hiding the "bad" & showing the "good" which is WRONG in most all situations. I was born a people pleaser & maybe I always will be.  I want EVERYONE to be happy (grandparents included) so those pictures (on my personal fb page) are for them.   I hope that if you support my family here on the Mission field that you will understand that.  I pray that you will. I often find myself posting pictures of the kids that are naked in the street, or the ones playing in the garbage & then I delete & don't post....for that I am wrong. I apologize for keeping so much of the "real" Haiti from you because I worry about what some will think.  I do at times wonder if  we should just put it all out there like the fact that our Electricity bill was over $700 U.S dollars last month & that our electricity goes out often because of all of the "neighbors" steeling from our line.  At one time our line was pulling more than any other breaker at the mission providing it except for a hotel down the road.  One day we were told we were pulling 24amps so we flipped our house completely off with a breaker we have & we were still pulling 17amps.......Please pray about this situation.  We have tried numerous times to catch ALL of the people steeling from our line BUT if you saw the lines you would realize this is NOT an easy task.  I keep from everyone that we have gone through Gordon's savings/retirement from working at his job for 24 years & that EVERY month we run out of money & wonder for a few days "what are we going to do" but then GOD ALWAYS comes through...just as HE promised. 
  I also wanted to share that we are Hope Vision Missionaries & we are doing all that we can for the Mission & to help raise awareness of the needs of the children, Pastor Andy & his family & the building of the New children's home.  We are also here for WHATEVER or Whoever God wants us to help.  If we can be used in ANY way here to help others then THAT is what we want to do.  If Gordon can help someone else then he does, if I can help in nursing then I do, if God sends a kid from the street for us to help (such as John Mury) then we do.  We try to help Mrs. Islande who works in our home & her two beautiful daughters as well as Altida who helps us with our wash.  We try to do even little things for others daily that God might lay on our heart. I hope it is ok with all of  you to share with you things we do outside of Hope Vision as we feel like God sent us here to help Haitians of all ages.....Ti Moun - Gran Moun (children to elderly) - *we feel that is our calling as a Christian not just a Missionary!! 

I pray in the New Year 2014 will be the BEST year yet for all of you & for our family! I pray God will Show Favor in the eyes of others for our family......
Thank you to those who sent Christmas cards & emails you truly have no idea what an encouragement they were. 

I read this passage this morning & I felt it speak to my heart - 
Psalms 36:5-10
5 Your unfailing love, O LORD, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. 6 Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O LORD. 7 How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. 8 You feed them from the abundance of your own house, letting them drink from your rivers of delight. 9 For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see. 10 Pour out your unfailing love on those who love you; give justice to those with honest hearts.

*We are still filling our schedule for the Summer of 2014 & as 2014 is upon us we need to do so ASAP!! If you would like us to come share Haiti & all that is happening here with your church or small group PLEASE LET US KNOW!! We should be in the states June - beginning of August. Please email us  We plan on being in Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, & possibly Kentucky....WE WOULD LOVE TO ADD YOU!!! 

All support goes to 
AIM (Assisting International Missions)
PO BOX 2030 Robertsdale, AL 36567
*Lipscomb family in the memo
or online at *you must click the "donate" tab & add a note to say Lipscomb family!!! 

A family picture taken at our children's school Christmas Program!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!!

A lot is going on here in Haiti.  I am sure all of you are busy this Christmas Season.  Our children have been busy with school & preparing for the Christmas Program at their school Sonlight Academy that will be on the evening of  December 12th.  Next friday December 13th will be the last day of school & our kids are looking forward to Christmas Break.  Tammy our intern will be traveling to the United States to be with her family for the Holidays.  We miss her just thinking about it but we know she really misses her family & will have a wonderful Christmas.  We will be looking forward to her return to Haiti in January.  We hope to enjoy some family time during the Holidays, spend some time with the kids at Hope Vision, go on a few hikes & enjoy the beauty of Haiti with some other missionary friends that are staying here for the holidays.

We wanted to show everyone a few pictures of the construction going on at the new site of Hope Vision Ministry!! The girls dorm is going up first.  We here the floor will be poured next week & a larger crew will start on the construction.  Thank you to everyone who has bought blocks to help build this new Home for the children!! Please see the AIM (Assisting International Missions) website for more information on how to give!! As you can tell, LOTS of blocks are still needed!!

These pictures were taken yesterday 12/6/13

Today I was asked to teach English Club for my sweet friend Christi Barnes at The House of Moses.  She teaches English to a group of Haitians who are eager to learn English every Saturday! She is in Port-au-Prince today so I went to teach.  Those of you who know me know I will try just about anything but I was SCARED when she asked me to do this!  I do LOVE to teach & of course I love Haitians but my Kreyol is Horrible!!! I entered the gates at The House of Moses a little before 9 this morning & immediately I broke out into a sweat! :D  There were already 30-35 people sitting on the benches in front of a chalk board waiting on me!! GEEZE!!! People continued to trickle in & we began class.  I returned tests from last week, opened with prayer & began to go over this weeks vocabulary!! We learned words pertaining to Christmas.  After a few minutes I wasn't nervous at all....I LOVED IT!!! We learned words & definitions like Bethlehem, Manger, Christmas, Decorations, Snowman,  Winter, & many more.  As you can tell it is hard to teach some of those here in Haiti, but it was GREAT to share about the Reason for the Season!!!  In the end we learned the song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" - I took a video after the first few tries & they did AWESOME!! I wish I would have taken the time to record the end result but.......I STILL LOVE THIS ONE!!! Such a Blessed Day!!


Several members in our family have been sick with a Flu like Virus. I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to those who prayed & put us on their prayer chain.  Several of them are feeling much better but a few are still ill. PLEASE Keep the prayers coming!!

Much Love from Haiti! Thank you for sharing our journey with us! We would love to hear from you! - Angie Lipscomb