Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer is Here

I am so EXCITED Summer is here & in Full Swing in South Alabama.  Temps are already in the high 90's & the humidity is High, the Low's are in the mid to upper 70's......Sorry folks but I am Loving every minute of it.  My kids are out of school which means they get to be with me!!!!!  I love this saying I stole from 1 of my good friends FB statuses.....
Goodbye backpacks, lunch $, snacks, uniforms, homework, tests and report cards. Hello Sun, sand, beach, pool, naps, sleepovers, vacations, fishing, but most of all HELLOOOO FREEDOM :D  I LOVE SUMMER!!
We kicked Summer off right this year with a Memorial Day Cookout at Beth & Sam's house. (Sister & Brother-in-law) :D We had a BLAST! Everyone swam, rode the go-cart, ate lots of great food, played some ball, & at one point I'm pretty sure I heard SWEET HOME ALABAMA playing on the radio!! I hope this is how it will be ALL Summer long......

I am looking forward to many more Fun filled Family days of Ice Cream, Watermelon, Trips to the Beach, lounging by the pool & reading a few good books!!! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! This time of year Always makes me think of one of my Absolute All time Favorite Songs. Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World.