Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Monday, December 8, 2014

Our countdown has begun ...

Today.....I could use a few extra prayers.

I feel completely CRAZY at times.  Torn between 2 totally different worlds!  I am so Excited to see my family & spend Christmas with them.  I am excited to have time to sit & have a cup of coffee with a friend.  Maybe even go to the grocery store & cook a meal for my family.  At the same time I can't stop crying.  I can pray with the kids in my class & before I get out 2 sentences I'm overflowing with tears.  I try my hardest to not think about just go day to day.  Today as the countdown for the big school Christmas program on Dec 16th draws near & the kids in my class all anticipate the class party on the 17th - I feel as if I can't breath sometimes - or the flood will begin.  The countdown to these things are all very Exciting but it is also my countdown to leave Haiti.  I'm not sure what to think or even say at this point.  I just feel crazy!! I truly am excited for whatever the future holds & I am thankful for our time here.  I'm just not sure what to will we adjust to life there after living here?? Most friends & even the closest ones don't understand the huge difference in the 2 places I love so much.  I have tried not talking about it ..........but that is not helping either.  Our countdown is down to 10 DAYS!!!!  We fly out of here on Dec the 18th!! Today I guess it is even harder because I sit here after school working on things knowing at 3:30 I'm suppose to walk across the street to the Barnes house (The House of Moses) where the middle school & high school students are having a party for Caroline, SarahBeth, & myself.  My students whispered today & passed notes as i pretended not to notice.....I'm not sure how to tell them goodbye. I'm not ready yet. Please say a prayer for me.  I know you are thinking YES, I am nuts - it shouldn't be that big of a deal.  Leaving here is not easy.  The friendships, the kids, the students..........  LORD HELP ME THROUGH.....I want to just laugh & enjoy them today! I still have 9 days left.
I know once back in Alabama I will be so thankful for many things, & people. Comforts form home & especially family.  From now until then if you think about it Please just say a little prayer for us.