Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Favorite Bible Story

Once again....I have something on my heart so heavy that I want to blog & I realize that it has been over a year since I blogged!!!  I HAVE GOT TO GET BETTER AT THIS!!

By now most of you know that our family is moving to Haiti!! We have prayed about this for several years can even go back in this blog & see how God has been drawing us to Haiti, how he has given us a love for the Haitian people, & even how he has spoken to my daughter about these very things in the past!  We are so very excited that God has opened the door for us to move to Haiti & work along side Pastor Andy, and Karen & Ron Cockerham at Hope Vision Ministries.  God placed a burden on our hearts for the children of Haiti several years ago.  We are not surprised at all that this is what he has asked us to do.  We are also so thankful that God has given us great friendships in so many missionaries already in Haiti.  Some of them are now going to be our children's teachers!!  God works all things out!! Our children are going to be able to attend Sonlight Academy in Port-de-Paix. The school we have visited 3 times, & think is so awesome! PRAISE THE LORD  ............I hope to blog more when we move in August so that you can keep up with what is going on in our lives.... for now, I want to share something that has been on my heart for a few weeks now!

One of my favorite stories in the bible since I was a teen is the story about 3 young men, Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego.  (You can find the entire story in Daniel Chapter 3)
I've told my children of the story many times.  I have always thought it was awesome....the King (Nebuchadnezzar) made an image of gold.  We are talking a HUGE idol...the bible said it was 90 feet high & 9 feet wide....he must have been really proud of that thing.  Then he commanded that Everyone "nations & men of every language" must fall down & worship this image made of gold.  He then proclaimed that whoever does not fall down & worship will be thrown into a blazing furnace." - Long story short....a few guys came along & threw them under the bus!  They told the king that we know some guys that refuse to bow down.  The king  was furious & summoned the 3 men.  King Nebuchadnezzar asked "is it true you refuse to serve my gods or worship the image?" - The king said "WHAT GOD will be able to rescue you  from my hand?" - The 3 men replied.."we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue from your hand, O king.  But even IF he does not, we want you to know O King, we will not worship the image of gold."  The king was furious with them....he ordered the furnace be heated 7 times hotter than usual and commanded that the 3 men be tied up & thrown into the furnace.  - The bible says that the kings command was so urgent and the fire so hot that the flames of the fire killed the soldiers who bound them & threw them into the pit.  But the king was amazed when he looked into the fire....he even asked "weren't there 3 men when we tied them up & threw them in the fire?"  - you see when the king looked in HE SAW 4 MEN - one of which looked like the son of God."!!!  How AWESOME is that....the story goes on to say that not even a hair on their heads was singed, they didn't even smell of smoke!
You see I find this story so awesome because Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego didn't know for sure that God would spare there lives! THEY KNEW HE COULD....but they did not know if he would....they knew it was a win win situation....He saves us & all know our God is real...or we die & go be with our savior...but God always knows BEST! We can not see what is Always in store for our lives BUT if we chose to follow him He will protect us until it is time to be with him.  Whenever that is......I have thought about this A LOT lately, God has brought one of my favorite stories to mind & given me A COMPARISON I HAVE NEVER EVER THOUGHT OF. -----------> Now that we have announced we are leaving for the mission field, that we are following what God has asked us to do So many people that I dearly LOVE do not understand it.  Even a few great Christian friends.  A lot of people do not know anything about Haiti, have never been there, or may not have ever left this country.  I can honestly say that I would not have understood it had it been someone else many years ago & God hadn't revealed things to me like he has over the past 4 years.

Now, This is Totally how I view it.  God is sending our family.  There is NO DOUBT AT ALL THAT THIS IS HIS WILL NOT ANGIE & GORDON'S .....yes this is what I WANT NOW....because God has given me this vision.  I DO NOT KNOW that Nothing bad will ever happen to Me, or anyone in my family BUT I DO KNOW that I would rather be There doing the WILL OF MY CREATOR, MY HEAVENLY FATHER than here living for Angie doing something else.  I mean bad stuff happens here everyday too.  I Know that God Can protect us, I know he can heal the sick, I know he is the great physician, but I do not know what my/our future holds.....But God does.  I KNOW I want to live a life more abundantly, I want to live a life serving others, I want to truly be the hands & feet of Jesus not just talk about it.  I do not want to live a life of fear.  I want to rely on my Creator not myself daily....I want to be as close to God as I possibly can, I WANT TO DO WHAT HE HAS CALLED ME TO DO....WHAT HE CREATED ME FOR. HE SHAPED ME & FORMED ME, HE KNOWS EVERY HAIR ON MY HEAD, HE KNOWS MY BIGGEST SECRETS & MY FAILURES IN LIFE. HE LOVES ME ANYWAY.....HE HAS FORGIVEN ME, HE HAS GIVEN HIS SON JESUS TO DIE FOR ME, I WANT TO SERVE HIM....Not just a little ....but I WANT TO TRULY SERVE HIM! I & my family will always be safest in God's will no matter where in the "World" we are.....America, Haiti, Africa, Europe, South America.  I always say, people think I am crazy or a little nuts....a sweet friend of mine that I can Always count on to pray for me & lift me up once said....IT'S OK TO BE A NUTTY.....NUTS ARE SALTY......WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SALT & LIGHT OF THE WORLD.... YOU MUST BE A NUT TO BE SALTY!!!  (sorry if you don't get that, or if I miss quoted it a bit...ha.......I Love it!!)
I Love when God takes a story in the Bible, especially one of my favorites & shows me how to apply it to my life.  I hope this helps you understand WHY we are taking our children to Haiti.