Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Monday, September 16, 2013

God's timing is perfect!!

I am just so EXCITED!! I can not contain it!! There are a Million things running through my mind at this moment & I am not sure where to begin.....but, I will try my best! :D
When we first decided we were moving to Haiti for sure to work with Hope Vision Ministries we were so happy to finally have direction after a few years of prayer. We knew that God was sending us to help with building the new Orphanage, helping with the Incoming Mission Teams & Child sponsorship program.  - (THE FOUNDATION TO THE FIRST BUILDING STARTS THIS MORNING!!!)

God also began to send us another message.  At first (when God sent the first messenger) we just thought ....well that is Good advice! You see they said "I know God is calling you to Haiti to do ........see above statement...., but also be open to the Holy Spirit.  You may be working & doing this for years to come, but God may also ask you to do other things...Just be open & flexible." - GOOD ADVICE, RIGHT?? Well then God sent another Missionary friend to say the SAME EXACT THING!! Then another close friend from our church & Well what do you know....right before we left we spent a week with one of my dearest friends Glenda & Brad McMath.  I have known Glenda since High School, her parents were my mentors in life (still are really :D). They are now AG Media Missionaries .......they served a while in Spain. SURPRISE SURPRISE, They told us to just be open to God & be flexible to what God wants us to do & HIS WILL & TIMING.  I am so very Thankful for people like that in my life.  I try my best to Always seek what God has & pray for Wisdom & Discernment but I'm pretty sure all of the words of Wisdom from the above said people have helped me to realized God was telling me to BE OPEN TO WHAT EVER HE HAD FOR US!!! We moved to Haiti on August 6th, 2013 & have tried to stay completely open to let God just use our family! TWO things stick out in my mind. FIRST - WE HAVE A NEW SON!!! <3 So many people (that know me best) joked & asked "How many more kids are you going to get Angie??" - I always laugh & say ...WELL, I think my house is full but that is all up to God!! Who knew that one of the first people we met here would be adopted into our family.  John & Christy Barnes our friends from The House of Moses introduced him to us.  I have blogged & mentioned him before.  His name is Edril.  He grew up here in Port-de-Paix in a local orphanage. He is without a doubt our son! We all love him dearly! He is a great christian young man who has a gentle spirit & a sweet smile.  He is a Fabulous example to his younger siblings that is for sure!! I am asking you all to PLEASE start praying for him daily & pray specifically that we can get him a Visa to go with us back to the US next Summer for the 6 weeks we will be there.  At times Haiti will issue a Visa for this & at other times you have to apply many times & really it is up to them!!!! They also at times just say NO!! We are asking that our friends start praying now....we are going to apply for the Visa starting in January! WE DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE HIM HERE WHILE WE ARE GONE 6 WEEKS!!! :(
     So once again you see GOD'S TIMING IS PERFECT & SO ARE HIS PLANS FOR US!!! We are truly Blessed to be his Mom & Dad - My heart swells with JOY just thinking about it!! Here is a family picture (excluding Me as I was taking the pic & Tyler who left to head back to the States 3 days before)
The SECOND thing that stands out happened JUST YESTERDAY!!!! If you have been following our blog you know I asked about praying for John Murry.  The sweet Teenage who lives nearby who really wants to go to school.  His uncle was paying for his school but passed away since then he hasn't gotten to go.  My heart has been burdened for him & I have been praying. It will cost $400 US dollars for him to go to high school for a year.  Well, yesterday a friend of mine sent me an inbox.  I don't think she had read the blog where I had mentioned him BUT GOD KNEW THE NEED.  My friends message went something like this....

My husband & my Anniversary is coming up soon & there was a specific item she had been wanting.  They had saved up & Her husband was going to buy her this item.....BUT even after she sent the link to her husband (where to purchase it from) she felt the Holy Spirit nudging her to do something different.  After talking to her husband they were in agreement to do something different.  You see they already have a sponsor child in another country, they already give to missions, they have even adopted from another country (not giving any names this describes many of my friends ....PRAISE JESUS) - They wanted to fill a specific need & she said I kept coming to mind!!!! I LOVE HOW GOD WORKS!!!!  She even mentioned that maybe the money could help someone with school or something!!!! <3 <3 - I immediately messaged her back & told her of John Murray & said school would be about $400 US for the year & she messaged me back & said the amount they had in mind was $500!!!!!!! PRAISE JESUS!!!! He now gets to go to school, purchase his uniform, his books & probably even get a new pair of shoes for school!!!!!!  I AM SO THANKFUL TO BE A PART OF THIS!!! Thank you sweet friends for telling me to STAY OPEN to let God use us in other ways!!! THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!!! Sooooo, guess who knocked on my Gate early this morning (just like God had sent hime) :D - yep guessed it JOHN MURRY - EDRIL helped me tell him about how God had provided........such a GREAT DAY!!!

I would love to hear from you!!  or follow us on Facebook - Lipscombs in Haiti  - TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!! 

REMEMBER - Matthew 19:26 "With God ALL things are Possible" 


  1. What a wonderful post!!! My friends I told you about are in Taiwan bringing home their son! God is good!

  2. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! Every good and perfect gift is from the Father above! LOVE YOU
