Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Monday, November 4, 2013


Hello Everyone - Fall is in the Air (or at least that is what I read on Facebook) :D!!

No, Seriously...It has actually begun to cool down a bit here in Haiti too.  There have been a few nights that were down right AMAZING!!
 I really can't believe that October flew by so fast!! We have had a lot go on this month.  We were so Excited that we were able to purchase a small Freezer at a local appliance store just a day before a scheduled trip to Port-au-Prince to buy supplies! I had NO IDEA that Port-au-Prince (the Capital of Haiti) has a few Huge Grocery stores & you can purchase almost anything!! (as long as you have the Money) :D  - Since we are unable to fly home for Christmas I did what all kids do.....I asked my parents for money for Christmas! I have never been so Excited to spend $400 dollars on Groceries!! My kids of course made a list of things to look for....Bacon, Sausage, Pizza, Oreos, Doritoes, BBQ Chips, Cheese, etc...  I spent $398 Exactly at this massive 3 story grocery store & loaded up on things my kids Love....& a BIG Ham For Christmas!  We then iced down everything that needed to be kept cold in a Big ice chest & headed back to our side of the island! We (my friend Christi from The House of Moses, her intern, one of her sons, & 3 small children) traveled by a private Vehicle for the trip home.   Those of you that follow our Lipscombs in Haiti facebook page know that during this trip I also met up with a sweet family that is adopting two small children from Haiti.  The orphanage the children came from was being shut down by the government for several reasons & God intervened (because he is SO Fabulous like that ) & our family is keeping the children for them.  Their adoption is final & they are just waiting on their Visa appointment so I ask you all to Please Pray for this family & these sweet babies. I thought I had babies until a 2 year old & a 23month old were placed in our care.  WOW - am I that old?? How quickly we forget that things aren't "baby" proofed & man alive they are FAST MOVERS!! :D Also let me add that I am so thankful that everyone is taking turns with all the diaper changing!! lol

I guess we don't have babies anymore....but they will ALWAYS be Momma's babies! Our twins turned 4 on October 31st & we were so Blessed that all our friends came over & brought their children.
 We had a costume party, cupcakes, & lots of candy. (Thanks Christi & Carmen for the loot) God Really Blessed us with such a Sweet community of Friends here in Haiti!!  Check out this crew!

Please continue to Pray for all of us as we try to learn a new language but I do have to ask for special prayer for my older girls.  They are not only trying to learn Haitian Kreyol they are also learning French. My SarahBeth is a Freshman in High School this year & she is stressing about this A LOT!  Everyone else in her class has had French, & English since Pre-school & of course learned Kreyol from Birth.  I wish I could help her but sadly I can't.  I do encourage her & let her know that in NO time she will look back & be so very glad that she will be trilingual when she graduates from High school.

I know it is only October & it seems we just got here but because time is flying & people/ churches are asking.  We are scheduling our times to visit churches this summer.  I would like to ask Everyone that is reading this that if you would like us to visit your church or group this summer to please let us know when would be good for you!! At this time it looks like we will be in the US around June 16th.  We will be returning around August 10th .  We will be visiting churches in Alabama & Arkansas.  We will gladly add other states if possible.  We would LOVE to come share all about Haiti, Hope Vision, & all that is going on with our family on the mission field.  We can come share on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, & Wednesdays.....really, we can try our best to fit in any day possible!  Please contact us by email at so we can add your dates & Fill our calendar!!

If you would like to come on a Mission trip to Haiti PLEASE let us know!! We would be so glad to have you visit our family & everyone at Hope Vision. We have had people ask lately about bringing in a small family, large groups, or even a grandmother & her granddaughter for 2 weeks! We can do ALL of the above! Please contact us at the above email & we will send you information on coming to Haiti!! Did you know that coming on a Mission trip serves so many purposes?? Mission teams encourage Missionaries on the field so much.  You also aid in bringing in much needed supplies.  Mission teams help with all sorts of things from Construction, Vacation Bible Schools, athletic camps, or just daily help in day to day life here in Haiti.  One of the things no one ever told me about a short term mission trip is that the thing it would do the most......would be to CHANGE ME!!! I thought I was "going to serve", I was stepping out because when I read the WORD OF GOD it seemed to say....GO...HELP OTHERS....Put others before yourself!!! So I went, BUT.... I think much more than I ever helped anyone else on any mission trip before moving helped me! God used those trips to change my heart, to see people differently, to see a bigger picture, to realize so many things! PLEASE PRAY ABOUT COMING!! I Truly believe Everyone should least once!!

**One last thing!!! If anyone out there has any or can easily get the Transderm Scop Patch (you know the one people use on cruises....small circle that goes behind your ear) I could REALLY USE THEM!!! I have ALWAYS gotten sever motion sickness.  Here in Haiti is NO EXCEPTION!! Going through the Mountains is No pic-nick for me.....BUT when in Port-au-Prince a new Missionary friend gave me one of those to try.  I placed it behind my ear early the morning we were heading back on the 6-7 hour drive in the 5 passenger vehicle with 9 people in the '04 4-runner.  I NEVER EVEN FELT BAD!!! No sickness, NO drowsiness, NOTHING!!! BLESS WHO EVER INVENTED THAT PATCH & PRAISE JESUS!!! BUT I NEED SOME OF THOSE!!! PLEASE, Help a sister out!! :D

We can now receive letters!!! Our friends at the House of Moses get mail here & let us receive mail with them!!! WE CAN NOT RECEIVE PACKAGES! ANY PACKAGES ARE DELIVERED BUT THEY ARE $1 PER POUND!! AS MUCH AS I WISH I COULD PAY THAT & GET STUFF HERE.....WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT! :(  But we can get letters, Christmas cards, etc!! :D HERE IS THE ADDRESS!! (it takes a bit & comes by Air)
Missionary Flights International
#Moses  (Lipscomb family)
3170 Airmans Drive
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
(772) 462-2395

**LOOK for the Lipscombs in Haiti October Newsletter today!! If you are not on our email list & would like to be just let me know by email or inbox on Facebook!!

Many Blessings- Angie Lipscomb

1 comment:

  1. Groceries!!!! Hallelujah!!! God is so GOOD! I love y'all, glad y'all are doing well! Tell SB to hang in there! She is smart and she can do all things through HIM!!
