Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today I want to share so much.  I really have no idea how to begin!  First I should start by telling you about a TV Evangelist I saw a few years back.  I cannot for the life of me remember who it was BUT I DO REMEMBER HIS MESSAGE!! He was preaching/teaching (often called Treaching) :D from Matthew 6:21....For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  What he said was "FIND YOUR TREASURE"...."& YOU WILL FIND YOUR FIELD!!".....He was teaching on Finding GOD's Will for your Life.  It was an Awesome Message & it stuck with me.  Burning in my heart since then have been the words....."when You find Your Treasure then you have found YOUR FIELD".....the field God has called you to!!!  Well I am SO VERY EXCITED TO SAY THAT AT 38 YEARS OLD ANGIE SIMMONS LIPSCOMB, Wife, Mother of 7, Sister, Nurse, Friend has finally Found MY TREASURE.  I have finally found "my field".  MY HEART IS ON FIRE, IT'S ALL CONSUMING..........MY TREASURE, MY HEART, IS IN HAITI.  This is so very Hard to explain to so many......but others seem to grasp it right away.  To me the Best way to explain it is IT IS A GOD PLACED DESIRE/FIRE.  Some may think I have "lost it", or not understand.  They may not see what I see when I am in Haiti.  Maybe I'm even looking through Rose colored glasses.  That's ok by me.....I think God placed them there!! Every Day in Haiti is Beautiful to me, the people, the trees, the breeze, the food, every sunset, the simplicity of life, I really could go on & on. HERE IS THE BIG NEWS..... My Husband & I have applied to be Missionaries to Haiti.  To work & Teach at an Amazingly Wonderful School called Sonlight Academy in Port-de-Piax, Haiti.  Hopefully throughout the next week or so I will find the time to share about the Wonderful people we met on our trip last week & about the school itself. 
After much prayer I realize God never said doing what he calls you to do would be easy.  But he did say he will Always be there & Never leave us.  Over & over lately I keep reading about how God says we are the SALT & the LIGHT of the WORLD.........What would the world be like without salt???? We can't even imagine our lives without Light!!!  I do believe God wants my family to be the Salt & the Light in this world.  To Love the Haitian share the Love of Jesus.

Mark 16:15 - ...."Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."

This will not be a quick process.  We will be here another year as we prepare.  With a family this size we will need lots of prayer & support, but we have NO DOUBT this is what God has called us to do!
Love to ALL,
Angie & Gordon


  1. Prayers while you prepare for Haiti.

  2. Wow! That is awesome! Is your whole family moving there? :) I am so excited for you and Gordon!!!

    love & hugs
