Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Mt 13:44

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Comes to an End...

I really can not believe that today is the VERY LAST day of 2013.  This year has flown by.  In all honesty every year seems to fly by to me now but I guess that just comes with getting a little older. :D In the year 2013 our Tyler turned 18 & graduated High School.  I turned the BIG 40, SarahBeth started High School, Caroline played lots of Softball & right before our eyes the little girl we knew just a few days ago has seemed to disappear & a beautiful young lady appeared! I have always called the 4 youngest "Mommas babies" but now....I really don't have babies. They are 8,6,4 & 4! Praise the Lord we have moved from the diaper stage in 2013 & this alone is a BIG step!! haha - I feel like I have been changing diapers for 18 years!!! Our 8 year old Meredith gave her heart to Jesus & was Baptized last week!! That my friends is EXCITING STUFF!!!!! 

The year 2013 brought HUGE changes for our family. Moving to Haiti has been the BEST & Hardest thing to ever do!! We do LOVE it here.  We love Haiti & the Haitian people but living here is Not easy. I was told yesterday that I always post things on my FB wall that make it look like we are on an island vacation. I wasn't real sure what to say....I will be hurt my heart & I cried.  I know I post the Beauty of Haiti often. You see...I LOVE this country & I want others to see its beauty too.  I am also VERY GUILTY of posting pictures for my family to see.  Some people know....most don't....that my family was NOT real happy about our move.  My parents have Always supported me in Everything I have done. My mom & dad lived just up the street. My brother, sister, their spouses & my nieces & nephew all lived within 10 minutes of our home in Alabama. We are all very close. None of them have ever been here & only see the BAD STUFF the news reports....I am guilty of posting pictures of the things my kids do like *get to spend a day swimming because my mother in law sent them $10 each in a card & When we went on a Hike with friends one day to a beautiful waterfall etc... I leave out things like the friends paid for the taptap, we could not have afforded the swim day without the cards from my sweet MIL.  I post pictures of my children's school & friends because I am so happy they have a group of other missionary kids who "get it" who moved from suburbia in America just as they did & now live here.  These kids bless my heart EVERY time I am around them & I thank GOD that we were planted right in the middle of them & at this exact time....this has made the transition so much easier for our children.  YES, we do things with other missionaries that work for other missions but don't most people have friends outside their "jobs"?? Honestly I am not real sure how I would feel today if we did not have these friends down the street who call us over for prayer night because they KNOW we are struggling with some things. They call us over for special meals because they have been here for years & know what it is like to miss those things & that special time together.  I truly feel GOD himself Blessed us with these friends.   
 To be Completely Honest I have laid awake many nights for hours praying God would help some of the harder things here.....sadly the hard things are sometimes other people. Different personalities, different ideas, lack of communication cause most stress.  I DO NOT have the answers, I am not even sure what to do at times BUT I do serve a Great Big awesome GOD who I know sent us here, he LOVES us, & when the time is right he will light the path or change hearts.  I am not at all placing blame on anyone or saying I have done it all right because I HAVE NOT. I am made of flesh & fail often. I do pray & ask God to check my heart & make it right & I do know that doing WHATEVER God wants me to do & to please him is my Goal therefore I can be in Peace.  
I do apologize if it seems like We are on an island vacation....WE ARE MOST DEFINITELY NOT!!!  I have spent most of my life hiding the "bad" & showing the "good" which is WRONG in most all situations. I was born a people pleaser & maybe I always will be.  I want EVERYONE to be happy (grandparents included) so those pictures (on my personal fb page) are for them.   I hope that if you support my family here on the Mission field that you will understand that.  I pray that you will. I often find myself posting pictures of the kids that are naked in the street, or the ones playing in the garbage & then I delete & don't post....for that I am wrong. I apologize for keeping so much of the "real" Haiti from you because I worry about what some will think.  I do at times wonder if  we should just put it all out there like the fact that our Electricity bill was over $700 U.S dollars last month & that our electricity goes out often because of all of the "neighbors" steeling from our line.  At one time our line was pulling more than any other breaker at the mission providing it except for a hotel down the road.  One day we were told we were pulling 24amps so we flipped our house completely off with a breaker we have & we were still pulling 17amps.......Please pray about this situation.  We have tried numerous times to catch ALL of the people steeling from our line BUT if you saw the lines you would realize this is NOT an easy task.  I keep from everyone that we have gone through Gordon's savings/retirement from working at his job for 24 years & that EVERY month we run out of money & wonder for a few days "what are we going to do" but then GOD ALWAYS comes through...just as HE promised. 
  I also wanted to share that we are Hope Vision Missionaries & we are doing all that we can for the Mission & to help raise awareness of the needs of the children, Pastor Andy & his family & the building of the New children's home.  We are also here for WHATEVER or Whoever God wants us to help.  If we can be used in ANY way here to help others then THAT is what we want to do.  If Gordon can help someone else then he does, if I can help in nursing then I do, if God sends a kid from the street for us to help (such as John Mury) then we do.  We try to help Mrs. Islande who works in our home & her two beautiful daughters as well as Altida who helps us with our wash.  We try to do even little things for others daily that God might lay on our heart. I hope it is ok with all of  you to share with you things we do outside of Hope Vision as we feel like God sent us here to help Haitians of all ages.....Ti Moun - Gran Moun (children to elderly) - *we feel that is our calling as a Christian not just a Missionary!! 

I pray in the New Year 2014 will be the BEST year yet for all of you & for our family! I pray God will Show Favor in the eyes of others for our family......
Thank you to those who sent Christmas cards & emails you truly have no idea what an encouragement they were. 

I read this passage this morning & I felt it speak to my heart - 
Psalms 36:5-10
5 Your unfailing love, O LORD, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. 6 Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O LORD. 7 How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. 8 You feed them from the abundance of your own house, letting them drink from your rivers of delight. 9 For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see. 10 Pour out your unfailing love on those who love you; give justice to those with honest hearts.

*We are still filling our schedule for the Summer of 2014 & as 2014 is upon us we need to do so ASAP!! If you would like us to come share Haiti & all that is happening here with your church or small group PLEASE LET US KNOW!! We should be in the states June - beginning of August. Please email us  We plan on being in Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, & possibly Kentucky....WE WOULD LOVE TO ADD YOU!!! 

All support goes to 
AIM (Assisting International Missions)
PO BOX 2030 Robertsdale, AL 36567
*Lipscomb family in the memo
or online at *you must click the "donate" tab & add a note to say Lipscomb family!!! 

A family picture taken at our children's school Christmas Program!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!!

A lot is going on here in Haiti.  I am sure all of you are busy this Christmas Season.  Our children have been busy with school & preparing for the Christmas Program at their school Sonlight Academy that will be on the evening of  December 12th.  Next friday December 13th will be the last day of school & our kids are looking forward to Christmas Break.  Tammy our intern will be traveling to the United States to be with her family for the Holidays.  We miss her just thinking about it but we know she really misses her family & will have a wonderful Christmas.  We will be looking forward to her return to Haiti in January.  We hope to enjoy some family time during the Holidays, spend some time with the kids at Hope Vision, go on a few hikes & enjoy the beauty of Haiti with some other missionary friends that are staying here for the holidays.

We wanted to show everyone a few pictures of the construction going on at the new site of Hope Vision Ministry!! The girls dorm is going up first.  We here the floor will be poured next week & a larger crew will start on the construction.  Thank you to everyone who has bought blocks to help build this new Home for the children!! Please see the AIM (Assisting International Missions) website for more information on how to give!! As you can tell, LOTS of blocks are still needed!!

These pictures were taken yesterday 12/6/13

Today I was asked to teach English Club for my sweet friend Christi Barnes at The House of Moses.  She teaches English to a group of Haitians who are eager to learn English every Saturday! She is in Port-au-Prince today so I went to teach.  Those of you who know me know I will try just about anything but I was SCARED when she asked me to do this!  I do LOVE to teach & of course I love Haitians but my Kreyol is Horrible!!! I entered the gates at The House of Moses a little before 9 this morning & immediately I broke out into a sweat! :D  There were already 30-35 people sitting on the benches in front of a chalk board waiting on me!! GEEZE!!! People continued to trickle in & we began class.  I returned tests from last week, opened with prayer & began to go over this weeks vocabulary!! We learned words pertaining to Christmas.  After a few minutes I wasn't nervous at all....I LOVED IT!!! We learned words & definitions like Bethlehem, Manger, Christmas, Decorations, Snowman,  Winter, & many more.  As you can tell it is hard to teach some of those here in Haiti, but it was GREAT to share about the Reason for the Season!!!  In the end we learned the song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" - I took a video after the first few tries & they did AWESOME!! I wish I would have taken the time to record the end result but.......I STILL LOVE THIS ONE!!! Such a Blessed Day!!


Several members in our family have been sick with a Flu like Virus. I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to those who prayed & put us on their prayer chain.  Several of them are feeling much better but a few are still ill. PLEASE Keep the prayers coming!!

Much Love from Haiti! Thank you for sharing our journey with us! We would love to hear from you! - Angie Lipscomb

Tuesday, November 26, 2013



   Although it is Thanksgiving week in America it is just another week in Haiti.  As I look at all of the posts & pictures on all the Social Media sites (facebook, instagram, & twitter etc...) I see all the hustle & bustle of the season.  People are traveling for the Holidays, starting their Christmas shopping, Grocery shopping for that Perfect Turkey & all the trimmings.  I see the temperatures have dropped all over, even in South Alabama where we are from.  I was so surprised to see everyone’s Fire places blazing this morning in their posts. WOW!!!  Today I sit here with my fan blowing, Christmas tree up already & listening to Christmas music.  Our doors are open, the Sun is shining, & the Palm frawns are blowing.  IS IT REALLY TIME FOR THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS??? This is a time of year that I always welcome & Love.  I Always have!  This year although I am in a different country and missing family & friends -  I am so ready for this time of year & new things, new adventures, & new traditions with new friends!!
 I am still so Thankful for so Much.....maybe even more so than ever before!! Looking around at all our neighbors & people we see on the streets everyday. I am Thankful that God placed our family here.  I am thankful that HE loves us & we in-turn get to love & share with the people of Haiti!!! I am so very Thankful for the community that he placed us in.  I am thankful for the people that are Praying & GIVING so that we can live here & do what God has called us to do!!! I am thankful for clean water & food.  Yes, we go purchase our clean water by the jugs we have refilled daily BUT we are so thankful that we CAN do that.  We might not always have our favorite foods but living here it is easy to see that we should be VERY THANKFUL that we HAVE food & our kids are laughing, playing, & jumping around because they have the protein & other nutrients they need daily. I am thankful our kids attend a Great School here in Haiti.  I love that they come home telling us all about the scriptures they are learning, the Thanksgiving program they are preparing for which will be today & the big Christmas program everyone is So Very Excited about!! 
Most of all as I sat here this morning I took a stroll down memory lane.....  I will be very honest with all of you....I have so many wonderful memories BUT I can Honestly say that I am most Thankful for God’s Grace, Forgiveness, & Mercy!! I am Thankful for second chances!! I am Thankful that God sent JESUS who died on the cross for MY Sins & Yours!   I am Thankful that God is STILL in the Miracle working business!! I am thankful that God Loves Me....the broken one who most of the time can’t forgive myself.  Satan loves to remind me of ALL my poor choices & bad decisions in life!! My Heart is so Thankful that God picked me up from the bottom of ......well, THE BOTTOM....& Forgave me yet AGAIN & crazy as it is....He is still using ME TO DO HIS WORK!! I am Thankful that I know that my sins have been cast as far as the East is From the West & have been covered with the Precious Blood of Jesus!  And I do Believe that I will STAND UPON ROMANS 8:1 for the rest of my life!! THEREFORE, THERE IS NOW NO CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS!!! 
I am Thankful God gave me a Wonderful Husband and in less than a month we will be married 13 years!!! I am Blessed & Thankful for a Great Family (Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, In-Laws, Nieces & Nephews,) & friends that we miss so much!!  We have been blessed with lots of precious children that we are Thankful for. I am Thankful for the HOLY SPIRIT who lives in me!! He leads & guides me in this life & Mission God has placed us on!! This journey is Not an easy one & most of the time...I do not share those things....but I am SO VERY THANKFUL for this Journey!! I know God has Great plans for our family & I am looking forward to the Journey! Today I am thankful for the warmth & breeze that I feel blowing in this room....I am feeling the LOVE for sure today....GOD KNOWS ME BEST & HE KNEW I WOULD NOT LIKE ALL THIS WINTER STUFF SO MANY OF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING!!! :D 
I am also Thankful For the quiet time I had this morning to reflect on everything & be reminded of ALL THAT WE HAVE TO BE THANKFUL FOR!!! 
I hope you all have a very Blessed & Happy Thanksgiving!!! 
Blessings from Haiti!!! & BRING ON THE CHRISTmas SEASON!!! 

*A FEW PICTURES FROM THE THANKSGIVING PROGRAM AT SONLIGHT ACADEMY TODAY!! So Thankful for that School & the Christian education my children are getting!!

If you would like to come to Haiti on a Mission Trip in 2014 Please let us know!! We are still scheduling teams, January - May & September - December! Our email is - let us know & we can send you a packet of information!!! 

**IF YOU ARE IN THE BALDWIN COUNTY ALABAMA AREA WE HAVE A TEAM COMING IN FEBRUARY & They are having a Yard Sale as a Fundraiser for their trip on December 6th & 7th.  IF you have anything you could donate it would be GREATLY Appreciated!!!  THEY CAN PICK UP ITEMS!!!  Please contact Zac Foerster 251-599-6160 

To Support our Family Please send all of our Support to -
AIM (Assisting International Missions)
PO Box 2030
Robertsdale, AL 36567
*please make sure & note Lipscomb family on any checks sent
You can also go online to & click the Donate tab -also note *lipscomb family so this is credited to us

We can also receive mail now!! Letters & Postcards can be sent to -
Missionary Flights International
#MOSES c/o Lipscomb family
3170 Airmans Drive
Fort Pierce, FL 34946 

*Packages can be sent to the same address for an additional $1.15per pound. The money for that must be mailed to the address below the same day the package is sent or before!
*House of Moses
PO Box 630
Aledo, TX 76008

*Mail is flown in about every 2 weeks & picked up in Port-au-Prince!

Monday, November 11, 2013


Where do I begin.....Faith! Growing up I was taught by some Amazing Spirit Filled believers Pastors Rusty & Dorinda Blann.  I am so thankful for God placing them in my life....I can assure you all, I would not be sitting here in Haiti today Married with 8 kids & serving on the Mission field had they not  listened to the Holy Spirit! I can remember in college when I had started traveling down the wrong path  (I will leave out details) but I was not living as I had been taught & I got a 6 am phone call from them saying God had woken them up in the middle of the night to pray for me & had shown them specific things in a dream!! I can promise you this...THAT WAS FROM GOD!!! They didn't KNOW what I was doing or where I had been BUT GOD DID & HE had woken them up to pray for me!!! I have so many stories like this but won't share them today!! I can just say that I learned from them so much! I learned to walk by Faith!! I saw a pastor who had no vehicle & was praying about it & God laid it on someone's heart to GIVE them a vehicle!! I saw someone who was told You will NOT be able to bear your own children follow God & adopt & then Miraculously give birth to 3 awesome children.  I saw sunday school teachers healed of Cancer.  I have personally experience God mending a marriage back together, I have seen how God works when you put YOUR goals & what you think you want to the side to Follow HIS WILL.  You see just 4 years ago we decided to adopt. Although most thought we were NUTS!! On top of that we decided to adopt from a Country we had NEVER been too!!  Sounds crazy HUH??  Well I will say ....I don't think I have EVER Prayed about anything (up to that point in my life) as much as I prayed about that!! Everything seemed to point to us adopting from Haiti but I was so worried about what EVERYONE would say..especially my family!!! I pleaded with GOD to SHOW ME A SIGN!!!! I'm sure I am not the only person who has begged God for an answer...but I have found when you are seeking him with your WHOLE HEART & giving him everything - HE WILL ANSWER!! Sometimes it is a "still small voice" you have to learn to hear.  Sometime it is more!! One Sunday our church was beginning a revival & I was READY to HEAR from God & had been praying.  I'm sure many of you have also been there.  This sunday morning the 1st day of our revival the Evangelist preached & at the end he asked anyone that wanted to, to come down front to the alters & pray!  I almost broke a run!! I stood at the alter eyes closed begging God for an answer.  I knew I wanted to adopt, I knew my husband had said "Yes, God wants us to adopt." BUT....I was waivering because of what others might say, because of our finances & how much it might cost....we already had 4 kids & A LOT OF DEBT!  I remember like yesterday eyes closed BEGGING God for an answer----keep in mind I talk to God like I am talking to you!  I just always's not usually formal, it's like talking to a friend.  I prayed "God, I need an answer....I mean you talked to Moses in a Burning Bush, can't you just TELL ME SO I KNOW! Please God.." & instantly the Evangelist (Brother Ferrell Kyser) said Ma'am - MA'AM - ....My eyes flew open & I looked up. He was standing right in front of me, finger pointed, then he said - "I don't know you from Adam but I do know that God is talking to you, He IS TALKING TO YOU LIKE HE DID MOSES IN THE BURNING BUSH, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO, HE HAS ALREADY GIVEN YOU THE ANSWER...IT IS BURING IN YOUR HEART!!!!"  -----> WOW!!!! I truly hit the ground, laid on my face before God & wept - WHY was I doubting him??? I knew what he was telling me! I had known for a month or two!! But God knew I needed that!! He knew to withstand the pressure I might get from others that I Needed to KNOW THAT KNOW THAT I KNOW that God was telling us to adopt!!!
We were excited to tell all after that & we knew it would take 3 to 4 years to adopt from Haiti at the time (that's what we were told, & we had friends who had been waiting that long) but we KNEW God was telling us so we steeped out in Faith!! God surprised us & our kids were home 3 months later!!! (that's a whole different story but it was because of the Earthquake...but it was GOD's timing & he took care of everything!!).  While in Haiti on that trip January 2010 as I walked the street by the Mission (where Hope Vision now is) I felt God again talking to me.  I remember looking at Gordon after only being in Haiti a day or 2 & saying "your going to think I am crazy, but I could live here." - God continued to lay Haiti on our Hearts & speak to us over the next 3 years & although we knew God was saying he was preparing us for Haiti we did not know WHEN or WHERE he would send us!! We prayed  & prayed & PRAYED SOME MORE & came to Haiti 3 more times & brought in others/Mission teams.  Each time I left it got harder....then we felt God was saying NOW is the TIME!  WE knew God was sending us to Haiti to work along side Pastor Andy at the Hope Vision Orphanage where our kids came from.  God seemed to be working it ALL OUT! God gave me several REALLY CLEAR DREAMS of what we would be doing here in Haiti.  I have held on to that just as I have the situation before.  I KNOW that was from God & I want to step out & do all that he has called our family to.  NOW back to FAITH .....or did I actually ever walk away??? You see it took a HUGE LEAP OF FAITH for Gordon to quit his Awesome job, with insurance, & great benefits after 24years but we have learned that although we THINK we know what is best ....we are WRONG sometimes!! GOD's Plan is ALWAYS BEST!!! I have found myself happier & more content than I have ever thought I could be!! I NEVER dreamed of having this many kids, never dreamed of living in a 3rd world country but here we are doing exactly what God has asked us & yet I feel like one of the children of Israel. You know the one's GOD ALWAYS provided for, he parted the Red sea for...yet they kept doubting God!! YEP, that has been me lately!  I have found myself worrying about monthly finances, being accepted by the other Missionaries already here on the ground at Hope Vision, paying my childrens' tuition here in Haiti for the remainder of the school year, & so much more!  Then once again God sent another missionary friend to preach a message.  His message was about FAITH & HOW OUR FAITH AFFECTS OTHERS it was an Awesome message & I felt God was speaking right to me.  For the first time I spilled out my thought & asked for prayer! It felt AWESOME to just GIVE IT TO GOD!!!
I then read this on Pastor Rusty Blann's Facebook wall -
DAILY: It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible. (Hebrews 11:27 NLT). I love this verse! Moses was able to face difficulty because of who he had his eyes fixated on! The Bible tells us to "look unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith", to "fix your attention on things above not below" and shows us over and over again what happened when people turn their eyes towards Jesus. Then there's David and Goliath. Goliath was breathing out threats, but David focused his attention on the God who is all-powerful. What is your attention set on? Well, listen to your words for a little while. When you talk on the phone, write on Facebook, talk at work, are you discussing how big the problem is or how big your God is? There is nothing wrong with stating you are going through a tough situtation, the problem is when you are fixated on it. So, this morning set your attention, eyes, heart, words on the "invisible" One today, and I believe you will begin to see visible changes take place! Blessings

This all happened the past 3-4 days. I prayed & put our needs out there....something VERY HARD for me to do! You see my flesh says to me "WHEN YOU SAY YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SUPPORT, OR YOU NEED THIS OR THAT, OR YOU MISS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD OTHERS THINK----> SEE I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY UP & MOVED THEIR FAMILY TO HAITI...THAT WAS JUST STUPID!!! THEY HAVE ALL THOSE KIDS & TOOK IN ANOTHER & ARE ASKING FOR MONEY!!!" - But I do know , I AM TO CRUCIFY MY FLESH & WALK IN THE SPIRIT! I AM TO KEEP MY EYES FIXED ON JESUS & WALK BY FAITH NOT SITE!! ----> Satan is real, he is here to steal, kill, & destroy & he does not want us to do what God has called us to do so he wants us to take our eyes off JESUS & DOUBT!!! My GOD says "HE WILL SUPPLY ALL OUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY." - HE IS OUR PROVIDER!! Today I received a message from our Home church - Robertsdale First Assembly of God that they are buying us the refrigerator that we need!! I also received a message from another friend or 2 that they are sending us support!! 
GOD IS FAITHFUL! ALL THE MIRACLES I HAVE PERSONALLY SEEN HIM DO & I FIND MYSELF QUESTIONING ...DOUBTING!! I hate that I do that!! Father God please help me to have more Faith! To always keep my eyes on YOU! The one who created us, the one who knows the very number of hairs on my head.  The one who sent us here will be with us EVERY STEP of the way!!! Even when we do not see with our eyes!!

2 Cor 5:7 - We live by faith, not by sight.


Monday, November 4, 2013


Hello Everyone - Fall is in the Air (or at least that is what I read on Facebook) :D!!

No, Seriously...It has actually begun to cool down a bit here in Haiti too.  There have been a few nights that were down right AMAZING!!
 I really can't believe that October flew by so fast!! We have had a lot go on this month.  We were so Excited that we were able to purchase a small Freezer at a local appliance store just a day before a scheduled trip to Port-au-Prince to buy supplies! I had NO IDEA that Port-au-Prince (the Capital of Haiti) has a few Huge Grocery stores & you can purchase almost anything!! (as long as you have the Money) :D  - Since we are unable to fly home for Christmas I did what all kids do.....I asked my parents for money for Christmas! I have never been so Excited to spend $400 dollars on Groceries!! My kids of course made a list of things to look for....Bacon, Sausage, Pizza, Oreos, Doritoes, BBQ Chips, Cheese, etc...  I spent $398 Exactly at this massive 3 story grocery store & loaded up on things my kids Love....& a BIG Ham For Christmas!  We then iced down everything that needed to be kept cold in a Big ice chest & headed back to our side of the island! We (my friend Christi from The House of Moses, her intern, one of her sons, & 3 small children) traveled by a private Vehicle for the trip home.   Those of you that follow our Lipscombs in Haiti facebook page know that during this trip I also met up with a sweet family that is adopting two small children from Haiti.  The orphanage the children came from was being shut down by the government for several reasons & God intervened (because he is SO Fabulous like that ) & our family is keeping the children for them.  Their adoption is final & they are just waiting on their Visa appointment so I ask you all to Please Pray for this family & these sweet babies. I thought I had babies until a 2 year old & a 23month old were placed in our care.  WOW - am I that old?? How quickly we forget that things aren't "baby" proofed & man alive they are FAST MOVERS!! :D Also let me add that I am so thankful that everyone is taking turns with all the diaper changing!! lol

I guess we don't have babies anymore....but they will ALWAYS be Momma's babies! Our twins turned 4 on October 31st & we were so Blessed that all our friends came over & brought their children.
 We had a costume party, cupcakes, & lots of candy. (Thanks Christi & Carmen for the loot) God Really Blessed us with such a Sweet community of Friends here in Haiti!!  Check out this crew!

Please continue to Pray for all of us as we try to learn a new language but I do have to ask for special prayer for my older girls.  They are not only trying to learn Haitian Kreyol they are also learning French. My SarahBeth is a Freshman in High School this year & she is stressing about this A LOT!  Everyone else in her class has had French, & English since Pre-school & of course learned Kreyol from Birth.  I wish I could help her but sadly I can't.  I do encourage her & let her know that in NO time she will look back & be so very glad that she will be trilingual when she graduates from High school.

I know it is only October & it seems we just got here but because time is flying & people/ churches are asking.  We are scheduling our times to visit churches this summer.  I would like to ask Everyone that is reading this that if you would like us to visit your church or group this summer to please let us know when would be good for you!! At this time it looks like we will be in the US around June 16th.  We will be returning around August 10th .  We will be visiting churches in Alabama & Arkansas.  We will gladly add other states if possible.  We would LOVE to come share all about Haiti, Hope Vision, & all that is going on with our family on the mission field.  We can come share on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, & Wednesdays.....really, we can try our best to fit in any day possible!  Please contact us by email at so we can add your dates & Fill our calendar!!

If you would like to come on a Mission trip to Haiti PLEASE let us know!! We would be so glad to have you visit our family & everyone at Hope Vision. We have had people ask lately about bringing in a small family, large groups, or even a grandmother & her granddaughter for 2 weeks! We can do ALL of the above! Please contact us at the above email & we will send you information on coming to Haiti!! Did you know that coming on a Mission trip serves so many purposes?? Mission teams encourage Missionaries on the field so much.  You also aid in bringing in much needed supplies.  Mission teams help with all sorts of things from Construction, Vacation Bible Schools, athletic camps, or just daily help in day to day life here in Haiti.  One of the things no one ever told me about a short term mission trip is that the thing it would do the most......would be to CHANGE ME!!! I thought I was "going to serve", I was stepping out because when I read the WORD OF GOD it seemed to say....GO...HELP OTHERS....Put others before yourself!!! So I went, BUT.... I think much more than I ever helped anyone else on any mission trip before moving helped me! God used those trips to change my heart, to see people differently, to see a bigger picture, to realize so many things! PLEASE PRAY ABOUT COMING!! I Truly believe Everyone should least once!!

**One last thing!!! If anyone out there has any or can easily get the Transderm Scop Patch (you know the one people use on cruises....small circle that goes behind your ear) I could REALLY USE THEM!!! I have ALWAYS gotten sever motion sickness.  Here in Haiti is NO EXCEPTION!! Going through the Mountains is No pic-nick for me.....BUT when in Port-au-Prince a new Missionary friend gave me one of those to try.  I placed it behind my ear early the morning we were heading back on the 6-7 hour drive in the 5 passenger vehicle with 9 people in the '04 4-runner.  I NEVER EVEN FELT BAD!!! No sickness, NO drowsiness, NOTHING!!! BLESS WHO EVER INVENTED THAT PATCH & PRAISE JESUS!!! BUT I NEED SOME OF THOSE!!! PLEASE, Help a sister out!! :D

We can now receive letters!!! Our friends at the House of Moses get mail here & let us receive mail with them!!! WE CAN NOT RECEIVE PACKAGES! ANY PACKAGES ARE DELIVERED BUT THEY ARE $1 PER POUND!! AS MUCH AS I WISH I COULD PAY THAT & GET STUFF HERE.....WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT! :(  But we can get letters, Christmas cards, etc!! :D HERE IS THE ADDRESS!! (it takes a bit & comes by Air)
Missionary Flights International
#Moses  (Lipscomb family)
3170 Airmans Drive
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
(772) 462-2395

**LOOK for the Lipscombs in Haiti October Newsletter today!! If you are not on our email list & would like to be just let me know by email or inbox on Facebook!!

Many Blessings- Angie Lipscomb

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Life on the Mission Field - Keeping it real!

I haven't blogged in a while.  This is the longest it has been since we moved to Haiti just a few months ago..... To be completely honest, I am having a hard time figuring out WHAT to share with you all.  When we first arrived in Haiti so much was happening.  Of course with setting up our home, unloading our container, meeting lots of new people, getting our kids enrolled in school it was VERY VERY BUSY!! Things going on at the Orphanage, building beginning on phase 1, Then God brought us new family, a sweet baby boy to our home to love & pray over, a student that God connected with a sponsor, & Tammy arrived here from Alabama to intern with us until next Summer.

Those of you that know me BEST know that I THRIVE off of being BUSY.  That's how God made me!! People use to always ask me, "how do you do it?" - Of course they meant having 7 kids & working.  Having 7 kids, my nursing job, & my job as a Disney Travel Agent kept me ON MY TOES!! YES, it does sound NUTS but when I don't seem to have LOTS to do, I am not sure what to do with myself! I think my brain goes Crazy!!  I function so much better when busy!! :)
I have tried to pray about it! I know there are times when I need to BE STILL. Time to just BASK IN HIS PRESENCE.

 Another TRUTH here is that WE ARE ALL NEW TO THIS MISSIONARY THING!!! We are adjusting to Life on the Mission field! I know HUGE things are not going to happen every day & we just need to Love God & Love those he puts in our path!! We spend our days cleaning sometimes (no great excitement in that), or getting clothes off the line before it rains, or going to market to pick up things we need at our house. Helping our kids with their Homework, or running them some lunch when school is out because they are staying for French tutoring or Bible study. We are working on paperwork/documents for Mission Teams & getting the word out as best we can to those that might want to come on a Mission trip. We are working on financial reports & organizing things. Setting up our house for teams....BUT  I have realized with the seasons changing back home in Alabama watching all my friends post pictures of the Fair, Friday night football games, pumpkin painting & fall festivities & nothing changing here that we really are far away from all of our family.  We also realize with the Seasons changing that means that the Holidays are just around the corner.  With that brings many mixed emotions!! What will Thanksgiving be like without spending it with the whole Lipscomb crew in Montgomery hanging out around the fire pit with our coffee & cocoa listening to Christmas music?? Will it even seem like Christmas without being at Nana & Papa's house with all the Simmons crew??....Will our kids like Christmas here?  Will our son Tyler be able to come for Christmas?  Will we have extra money to buy presents for our kids? Will a mission team come so the presents we can buy make it here for Christmas?  What about the 2 staff members who work in our home? What are we suppose to do for their family for Christmas?  WE love them dearly & hear it is custom to give them extra wages for Christmas & gifts for them & their kids?? We have NO idea how to do that?? Where is that money going to come from? All of this spiraled my brain in to thinking ALL kinds of crazy things....Will we be able to afford to all fly home next summer??? I mean plane tickets are about $700 each!!! I've done the math numerous times.....700X9 = $6300!!! YES, WE ARE NEW TO THE MISSION FIELD & WE ARE SO VERY THANKFUL FOR THIS CALLING GOD HAS PLACED ON OUR LIVES! WE STILL LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF BEING IN's just that the "down" time has made me THINK waaaaay too much!! If you have time Please say a prayer for our family! I know God sent us here & HE HAS A PLAN! I also know HE WILL TAKE CARE OF US! But my heart still hurts when I missed my nephews Birthday & my I type my heart hurts, tears are flowing knowing my niece has a birthday next week & then My daddy! I may be 40 but I'm still a daddy's girl. - Weird how doing EXACTLY what GOD has called you to do can give you so much pure JOY yet your heart can break too.  I do know I have SO MUCH to be Thankful for!! I AM THANKFUL TO BE HERE, TO SERVE A LOVING FORGIVING SAVIOR, TO BE HEALTHY, & FOR MY FAMILY......EVEN IF THEY ARE HERE OR THERE!!! THANKFUL FOR THOSE WHO MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO BE HERE & FOR AIM & ALL THEY DO FOR US!!
an honest momma, sister, aunt, daughter, wife & Follower of Jesus

*I hope it was ok to just dump out my heart like this.  I really hadn't planned on that but it just happened.  I don't want to sugar coat anything & not be real so I am going to post it anyway! I know we have some MIGHTY PRAYER WARRIORS FOR FRIENDS & I APPRECIATE THE PRAYERS!!!!  -  

Would love to hear from you!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


As I finally sit down to blog this week I have so many things that have happened that I want to share with everyone.  I even jotted down notes because my brain is on OVERLOAD!! When I looked back over them .....I smiled & thought to myself "the title this week has to be LOVE" that simple...Just Love.  Love overflowing from our Heavenly Father, Love from friends back home, Love poured out through a family that sponsored someone they had never met, LOVE in a pure bundle of sweet JOY that was dropped off at my house, Love shown to us from other local Missionaries, & pure LOVE for the place we now call home!!! So 1st I will go back to my last blog......@ John Murry!

John Murray is the way we would pronounce his name in the States (Jean Mary Eugene is his real name.)  His Sponsor family sent us the $500 they felt led to send & I will say .....I HAD A FABULOUS DAY & was filled with LOVE & JOY overflowing when we went & paid his school tuition for the entire year in full!!!!!!!!! PRAISE JESUS!!! He was absolutely ALL smiles.  He was given his uniform & then my sweet friend Christy from The House of Moses went with me, Edril, & Jean Mary to the local market after that.  Edril took his book list & helped him get all of his school books, a few notebooks, pens, & pencils.  We then found him a backpack, some new school shoes, a few undershirts, new underwear & socks, a new belt, some cologne, & a treat of Ice Cream from the guy with the Ice cream cart!! Sounds crazy ...right...well I had NO IDEA it was so good!! Check out the pictures!!

All the school books & supplies were in that wheel barrow thing!!!

He was so proud to get those new shoes!!

It was such a blessed & fun day!! I am so thankful to be a part of days like this .  I also wanted to share something else that touched my heart.  On Thursday night we were leaving to go to Community Bible Study at The House of Moses & when we stepped out of our gate Edril said, "hang on mom, I am waiting on Jean Mary." My heart melted.....he had asked him to come to bible study & when he arrived he was excited to go.  He came back again last night (Thursday), this time we offered him dinner & he was so thankful for his bowl of rice & beans. We decided that every Thursday he should come to our house & eat at 5:30 & walk down to HOM with us.  He was a happy young man & my heart once again overflowed.

LOVE - Thursdays

   On Thursdays at 3:30 I was invited to my friend Susan Hammonds house for a ladies bible study. (you can read all about them at Hammonds in Haiti on the web or Facebook). There are about 12 of us from 3 different local missions & we have only been meeting 2 weeks but we are going through the book Prodigal God.  I must say that I am loving it! So awesome to sit & pour your heart out with a group like this. Some have been here for 30 years, some 8 years, others 2 or 3 years & some just moved here this year like me.  Also as I have mentioned the House of Moses community Praise & Worship/Bible study is on Thursday nights.  It truly is amazing to worship together in English & Kryole with people from all over the community & other local Missions. When we first moved here almost 2 months ago we met in the house in a room. I remember Christy sharing with me about a vision she had that it would grow so much we would move to the court yard outside. WELL, a church in the US donated the awesome sound equipment that arrived just aver a week ago & we moved outside.  Last night I counted over 70 people.  Please be in prayer for the lost here.....this is a come as you are one has to dress up kind of place & THEY ARE COMING!! You know......IF YOU BUILD IT...THEY WILL COME! (ok, I might have seen Field of Dreams a few to many times. :D) Anyway, I Love Thursdays!!
A quick pic I snapped at our first court yard service!

  We have been so blessed with the community God is building here in our area of Port-de-Paix (called Chalet).  He has given us Amazing new friends. Last weekend we were invited to go to the beach with a lot of them. (about 30 in all)  It was so much fun.  Just letting all the kids play & talking with them about what is going on in their lives, how God called them here, where they are from, & some just catching up because we have been friends a few years.  We loved every minute of it! Our kids swam for hours, played soccer on the beach, ate some local fish & just enjoyed the down time. (No French or Math that day :D)
The TapTap all the big kids road in on the way to the beach had a flat tire on the way....just a normal outing in Haiti!

I can go on & on about how God has blessed us & poured out his LOVE.  Last Sunday our family was invited to come to Sunday lunch with Mr & Mrs Alexander.  They have been here 30 years & founded Sonlight Ministries.  (where our kids go to school...see lots of older posts about Sonlight) - Mammy (Mrs.Norma) has the sweetest spirit.  I think God knew we needed some special love .....& some American food! :D haha - because lunch at Mammy's is simply AMAZING!!! We talked for hours about Missions, the "old" days in Haiti, & she gave us helpful hints about where to get things we might need or things we did not know we could get here.  Two of her daughters & their kids were also there, both of which have been in Haiti for years & raise their families here.  We loved every minute of it!  Mammy then pulled out the BIG GUNS......she served the kids ice cream with chocolate syrup & then she served us Cherry Pie & Ice Cream with coffee!!!! It was definitely a piece of Heaven!

As we were saying our good bye's after a wonderful afternoon Mammy said "I want you all to come for Thanksgiving at my house." I truly wanted to cry....those are the little things that a mom thinks about ....I have been thinking of the upcoming Holidays & what we were going to do to try to make it seems like Thanksgiving & Christmas.  I felt as if God was himself standing there giving me a BIG HUG & saying I Love you...I've got you taken care of... I told you not to worry!! Just as we were leaving, Mammy then asked "are you flying back home for Christmas?" I told her we were staying ....she knew flying home for Christmas with such a large family would be really hard on first year missionaries she says, "you all come for Christmas Day too!"  - I just love her.  She is such an Example of being the hands & feet of Jesus. I'm not sure I can put into words how I felt on the walk home! <3  - LOVED would be the word that comes to mind!

  It has been so Awesome that almost every week Sherlande comes to visit.  If you missed my earlier post she is my youngest 3 Haitian childrens biological sister that is 18 and lives with their aunt.  This week she & their cousin came to visit with gifts for us.  I wasn't sure what to say when they came....she brought a flat of eggs, 3 things of cheese, & a bunch of bananas.  I knew to say THANK YOU, smile & take the gifts because they were heart felt & cost them more than I want to think about.  I actually had to make my way to "do something in my room" so they would not see my tears! They are both such sweet girls & usually sit & sip some juice with us & play with the kids.  This week when they came Edril was not here so there it was....complete silence :) They know NO English & our Kreyol is still AWFUL.  Caroline & Meredith decided to paint their fingernails & toe nails so we all jumped down in the floor laughed & picked out colors.  We offered them a snack, a coke & I helped them paint their toes & they thought that was Awesome! LOVE was all that was needed......No words necessary! <3 GREAT AFTERNOON!!

   This past Tuesday the kids were leaving for school & I heard them yelling "MOM...Hey MOM" from the I peaked over the balcony & there was a gentlemen with a baby.  Of course I immediately have to go ask Edril to get up so he can translate for us.  Turns out the gentleman's wife died about a month ago & they had 3 kids.  He told me he could not care for the baby. He said he has a 7 & a 5 year old at home & he can not go get work & leave the baby with the other children.  I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO SAY TO first I sat in silence, & then immediately I began to pray for guidance.  I am a strong believer than family should stay together & I wanted desperately for him to keep his son.  BUT after talking...I knew this was not happening! :(  I then held this sweet baby in a pink onesie & navy torn up pants. My heart was breaking, the baby was dirty, ears with dried drainage & then as I held the baby tight I realized how hot he was.  The dad told us his name ...LOVENSON.....he told us his birthdate is November 19th & that he was 10mo old.  I told the dad I would keep him overnight & pray for guidance but I was not making any promises.  We brought him upstairs & took his temp & it was 102. Gordon immediately started trimming the babies long nails & cleaning them.  I ran to Mammy's house for some infant Tylenol & to the local store for Gatorade.  With the help of my sweet Gabriella we cleaned & bathed this sweet baby boy.  We loved him, fed him, prayed over him, & played with him some more.  I was AMAZED by my girls....they fed him & took turns rocking him all afternoon.  That night he woke up at 3 am & SarahBeth quickly grabbed him & got him back to sleep.  At 5:30am he woke up hungry & crying & Caroline jumped up faster than I have ever seen grabbed him, fed him & played with him.  His fever never returned after that night PRAISE JESUS.  The father did return that morning with his birth certificate.  I told him then that I just could not keep the sweet boy but I would take him to the Hope Vision Orphanage where he would be well cared for.  He said "OK" & walked right out the gate.......with no emotion Heart just Broke in half!!!! I knew I had no control over that situation & if I would not have taken Lovenson there is no telling where he might have ended up that day.  Please remember to pray for this sweet boy.  We took him later that afternoon to Hope Vision where they were excited to receive him.  My kids hearts are still broken .....they could use a few prayers too!! I know this has been a long blog but so much is happening here.  We are so Blessed & Thankful to be here doing what God wants us to., and excited to see the doors he is opening! Please keep our family in your prayers as we continue to pray for HIS WILL, & for Wisdom & discernment in all we do!!

Blessings & much love from Haiti & the Lipscomb crew!!!! 

Monday, September 16, 2013

God's timing is perfect!!

I am just so EXCITED!! I can not contain it!! There are a Million things running through my mind at this moment & I am not sure where to begin.....but, I will try my best! :D
When we first decided we were moving to Haiti for sure to work with Hope Vision Ministries we were so happy to finally have direction after a few years of prayer. We knew that God was sending us to help with building the new Orphanage, helping with the Incoming Mission Teams & Child sponsorship program.  - (THE FOUNDATION TO THE FIRST BUILDING STARTS THIS MORNING!!!)

God also began to send us another message.  At first (when God sent the first messenger) we just thought ....well that is Good advice! You see they said "I know God is calling you to Haiti to do ........see above statement...., but also be open to the Holy Spirit.  You may be working & doing this for years to come, but God may also ask you to do other things...Just be open & flexible." - GOOD ADVICE, RIGHT?? Well then God sent another Missionary friend to say the SAME EXACT THING!! Then another close friend from our church & Well what do you know....right before we left we spent a week with one of my dearest friends Glenda & Brad McMath.  I have known Glenda since High School, her parents were my mentors in life (still are really :D). They are now AG Media Missionaries .......they served a while in Spain. SURPRISE SURPRISE, They told us to just be open to God & be flexible to what God wants us to do & HIS WILL & TIMING.  I am so very Thankful for people like that in my life.  I try my best to Always seek what God has & pray for Wisdom & Discernment but I'm pretty sure all of the words of Wisdom from the above said people have helped me to realized God was telling me to BE OPEN TO WHAT EVER HE HAD FOR US!!! We moved to Haiti on August 6th, 2013 & have tried to stay completely open to let God just use our family! TWO things stick out in my mind. FIRST - WE HAVE A NEW SON!!! <3 So many people (that know me best) joked & asked "How many more kids are you going to get Angie??" - I always laugh & say ...WELL, I think my house is full but that is all up to God!! Who knew that one of the first people we met here would be adopted into our family.  John & Christy Barnes our friends from The House of Moses introduced him to us.  I have blogged & mentioned him before.  His name is Edril.  He grew up here in Port-de-Paix in a local orphanage. He is without a doubt our son! We all love him dearly! He is a great christian young man who has a gentle spirit & a sweet smile.  He is a Fabulous example to his younger siblings that is for sure!! I am asking you all to PLEASE start praying for him daily & pray specifically that we can get him a Visa to go with us back to the US next Summer for the 6 weeks we will be there.  At times Haiti will issue a Visa for this & at other times you have to apply many times & really it is up to them!!!! They also at times just say NO!! We are asking that our friends start praying now....we are going to apply for the Visa starting in January! WE DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE HIM HERE WHILE WE ARE GONE 6 WEEKS!!! :(
     So once again you see GOD'S TIMING IS PERFECT & SO ARE HIS PLANS FOR US!!! We are truly Blessed to be his Mom & Dad - My heart swells with JOY just thinking about it!! Here is a family picture (excluding Me as I was taking the pic & Tyler who left to head back to the States 3 days before)
The SECOND thing that stands out happened JUST YESTERDAY!!!! If you have been following our blog you know I asked about praying for John Murry.  The sweet Teenage who lives nearby who really wants to go to school.  His uncle was paying for his school but passed away since then he hasn't gotten to go.  My heart has been burdened for him & I have been praying. It will cost $400 US dollars for him to go to high school for a year.  Well, yesterday a friend of mine sent me an inbox.  I don't think she had read the blog where I had mentioned him BUT GOD KNEW THE NEED.  My friends message went something like this....

My husband & my Anniversary is coming up soon & there was a specific item she had been wanting.  They had saved up & Her husband was going to buy her this item.....BUT even after she sent the link to her husband (where to purchase it from) she felt the Holy Spirit nudging her to do something different.  After talking to her husband they were in agreement to do something different.  You see they already have a sponsor child in another country, they already give to missions, they have even adopted from another country (not giving any names this describes many of my friends ....PRAISE JESUS) - They wanted to fill a specific need & she said I kept coming to mind!!!! I LOVE HOW GOD WORKS!!!!  She even mentioned that maybe the money could help someone with school or something!!!! <3 <3 - I immediately messaged her back & told her of John Murray & said school would be about $400 US for the year & she messaged me back & said the amount they had in mind was $500!!!!!!! PRAISE JESUS!!!! He now gets to go to school, purchase his uniform, his books & probably even get a new pair of shoes for school!!!!!!  I AM SO THANKFUL TO BE A PART OF THIS!!! Thank you sweet friends for telling me to STAY OPEN to let God use us in other ways!!! THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!!! Sooooo, guess who knocked on my Gate early this morning (just like God had sent hime) :D - yep guessed it JOHN MURRY - EDRIL helped me tell him about how God had provided........such a GREAT DAY!!!

I would love to hear from you!!  or follow us on Facebook - Lipscombs in Haiti  - TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!! 

REMEMBER - Matthew 19:26 "With God ALL things are Possible" 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


WOW - What a Day!! Yesterday morning I went to St Louis Du Nord (about 30 min up the road) with my friend Christy from The House of Moses.  We went to enroll 2 older boys in High School. They were such sweet be honest the youngest of the two (about 14/15) reminded so much of my Gabriel (or what I think he may look like as a young man.)  Christy shared their story with me & immediately it broke my heart.  The boys were raised at another local orphanage. Their mom had left them at a very young age & their father sold them to someone!!! :(  He realized that they might (or probably would) be sexually abused so that night he took them & fled! He left them at the door of the orphanage & fled for his life because he knew what he had done was wrong. - WOW - happens more than I realized. :( - SO, now the boys live in St.Louis & they have sponsors to help them go to school so they have a chance at a better life!!  - So our day began by catching a moto to St. Louis & our moto driver was so very sweet! He sang Christian music at the top of his lungs for most of the trip....Amazing Grace (Chris Tomlin version) :D, Mighty to save, & many others ....IT WAS AWESOME!! Started our day off right! We arrived to a house (up the side of a steep mountain) where they are trying to start a technical school & Christy was trying to help with some legal issues.  Then we took the boys to enroll in school. First I will say that we road the moto back down the mountain side to the school & the boys walked (felt horribly guilty) but the sweet moto driver after we were dropped off offered to go back & get them. (I'm talking great guy) :D - We go in to register the boys & Christy comes out with this perplexed look on her face.....THERE IS NO ROOM FOR THE BOYS! - I'm telling you now ....the look on their faces I may never forget.  I had to walk off a little to not cry....the youngest looked devastated!!! NO SCHOOL ----HUGE----> going to school here is your only chance at a little better life.  We stood there trying to find other options, other schools (Good schools, not just one to take your money & the boys not get a GOOD education) after a bit we decided to try a small school just back up the mountain.  The sweet moto driver had to head back to Port-de-paix so we did as ALL Haitians do & we WALKED (didn't seem like such a big deal at first!!!!) We stopped on our walk & I met a local doctor that is friends with the Barnes family....good person to know! Then we waked toward the school....down the paved road them up the paved road, then up the rocky dirt road, then over a dirt road, then up some more ( you getting the picture....this old, out of shape momma was huffing it & sweating bullets) - we finally make it to the school & found a professor that Christy knew. He had actually tutored her other kids in school. So after a talk we knew the boys would be in a good place! PRAISE JESUS!! We enrolled the boys & she paid for their school. By now it had been several hours since we had arrived .... & we decided to walk back down & go to the Local One stop (the only gas station /American like store I have seen) to get some lunch & something cold to drink.  The sweet boys wanted to walk us back down & make sure we caught a they hailed one for us once we got to the main road. As Christy & I both got on he started blaring his music (something like.. let's make love in the club) BAHAHAHAHAHA - we both looked at each other & BUSTED out laughing. That my friends is definitely NOT in the Missionary handbook! lol  - We went to the store & I was definitely thinking I'M GETTING A BIG CHEESEBURGER & FRIES (it's advertised out front) but to my dismay they had 3 options (chicken plate, goat, or Legume....must look at previous pics) so Chicken plate it was!! It was however VERY good!! I also found M&M's so I grabbed a treat for each kid!!
These pics are of the good roads we walked up & down. It was to hard to walk & take pics on the others!! :D 
Christy then decided we could catch a Tap Tap home (a truck where everyone sits in back) SO....we sat at the corner of the 1Stop with a few friends she knew - the first truck stopped & honestly I looked up & said "NOPE, I am not that Haitian yet!" They all laughed & agreed & the truck left (at least 30people where already in the back) a few others came & we passed & FINALLY a taptap stopped with just a few people in it so we climbed is a beginning photo...
This my friends did NOT last long, we stopped every few minutes & picked up more people. By the time we were half way home I'm pretty sure I had a bruise on each leg & couldn't feel my feet!! haha - I was thankful to be back in Port-de-Paix...someone tapped the side of the truck with their had loudly & it stopped!! YAY, we jumped out & walked home! :D (Again) but my day was not over! I wanted to head over to our orphanage so I showered the 3 inches of dirt from my body in an AWESOME COLD SHOWER got dressed again & walked with Gordon & the little ones over to Hope Vision as the big kids went to French tutoring! We played with the kids, visited with Ron & Karen (the other missionaries that returned home a few days ago from a much needed trip to the states) was good to get to visit with them!! We also got to hang out with TJ & Anna Burgeron who are interns here for the next 5 weeks.  So So sweet, we love them already after only a few visits!! We got lots of great pictures, Gordon even had a cup of coffee (are you kidding me ??? 100 degrees out & after all that walking all I wanted was H2O!!) :D  We are having a staff meting on Thursday morning & headed out to the new land on Friday morning with the crew so we hope to have more pics soon & an update!
This is Anna...doing what she does best!! You should check out her blog! They are staying in the small room on the roof at hope vision, So she gets lots of chances for GREAT pics!!
Gordon & Ron doing a little catching up...our last visit was in April!! So glad to be here with them.
Pastor Andy & Ron taking a few minutes to visit!

 Gabe was LOVING that!! He wanted to play so bad!! TJ is so GREAT with the kids!! was one of the BEST days here!! God is doing Great things!! He just needs willing vessels to do his work! You know WE (Christians) are SUPPOSE to be THE HANDS & FEET OF JESUS!! HE LIVES IN US & WE ARE TO CARRY OUT HIS COMMANDMENTS!! You know....Love your Neighbor as yourself! Our neighbors aren't just those who live in the house next door! :D

Thanks for all the prayers & emails! WE LOVE HEARING FROM YOU!! *Please remember those 2 sweet boys mentioned above as they take entrance exams today for school & for another older teen here we have met that is VERY SMART & very sweet.  He had to quit school after the earthquake because his uncle was killed & he payed for his school. :( He speaks some english & actually went home & got an English dictionary & wrote us the sweetest letter....I am praying & hoping to find him a sponsor or 2 so he can go back to school. His name is John Murry & I am really praying about this!! He has 3 or 4 years left of school.  (school here is different than US school system with grade levels) PLEASE PRAY ABOUT THIS TOO... $400 US dollars would pay for his school for the year!!! That is enrollment & books!! If anyone is interested in helping him PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!